Gates yelled to a crowd outside his house as he was handcuffed.
"I thought I was going to be led away in handcuffs," she said.
Xie was handcuffed and brought back to the customs hall by force.
If you're going to give me trouble, I'll just go ahead and cuff you now.
If you see someone else handcuffed then you will overcome all your enemies and win out.
Officers stripped them of their shirts, put then in handcuffs, and whipped them with electrical cables.
Worse, the search may end with the householder handcuffed and dragged off before his neighbours: his person disgraced.
Following a violent struggle, the young man was disarmed, handcuffed and carried to a waiting cruiser.
Parkside police handcuffed him, and Brookhaven police took him into custody at the scene, Young said.
The door burst open. Just before Homeland Security put the cuffs on us, Billy woke up and Sid spoke.
In September Pedro alvarez, the former boss of Alimport, which handles food imports from the United States, was arrested at his home and taken away in handcuffs.
He could not so much as get his breath to speak, until they were both separately handcuffed, but leaned upon a soldier to keep himself from falling.
And but for his illness he would have been put in irons, for he was regarded as a determined prison-breaker, and I know not what else.
今天,颜面尽失的马道夫在华尔街史上最大诈骗案中对他的全部11 项指控认罪,随后他被戴上手铐转到监狱。
The disgraced financier Bernard Madoff was led to jail in handcuffs today after pleading guilty in a New York court to all 11 charges against him in the biggest fraud in Wall Street history.
The rear-hinged "suicide doors" make it easier for handcuffed passengers to get in and out, and the seat is designed so "guests" can ride comfortably with their hands cuffed behind their backs.
Edie Simms is a 102-year-old woman with an unusual item on her to-do list. She wanted to be arrested — handcuffed, placed in the back of a police cruiser.
News Corporation Chairman Rupert Murdoch was hit on the shoulder with a foam pie. A man was quickly taken away and handcuffed by police.
Not that Larsson’s women have a problem with this. “Are you going to come quietly or do I have to handcuff you?” one says.
Not that Larsson’s women have a problem with this. “Are you going to come quietly or do I have to handcuff you?” one says.