• 但是全国房地产经纪人协会报告国际房屋购买者正在拉动房产行业复苏

    But the national Association of Realtors reports international buyers are now driving a recovery.


  • 本周,全美房地产经纪人协会报道说,美国二月份销售量增长了百分之三。

    This week, the National Association of Realtors reported that sales of existing homes in the United States increased almost three percent in February.


  • 据NAR(国家房地产经纪人协会)说,这个房屋销售保持年度平均水平3.83百万。

    Home sales completed in the month stood at an annualised rate of 3.83 million, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR).


  • 交易成交记录编制数据美国房地产经纪人协会称,这是时间以来的最大增幅。

    That's the fastest clip in more than two years, according to the National Assn. of Realtors, which compiled the figures based on transaction closings.


  • 例如美国房地产经纪人协会指出可能没有心力处理学校而引起的额外交通量噪声问题。

    For instance, the American Association of Realtors notes that extra traffic and noise caused by a school might not be something you are willing to deal with.


  • 根据加利福尼亚房地产经纪人协会本月发布指数,在整个州只有百分之二十五的家庭买得起房子

    Statewide, just 25 percent of households can afford an entry-level home, according to an index released this month by the California Association of Realtors.


  • 美国全国房地产经纪人协会表示上个月销售上升百分之6.5 ,折合成年率为四百七十四万。

    The National Association of Realtors said sales of existing homes rose 6.5 percent to an annual rate of 4.74 million last month.


  • 一个最近这方面例子全国房地产经纪人协会,投放了一则广告,内容是,在过去,房价就能翻一番

    A recent example of overselling: the National Association of Realtors has been running ads saying that home prices have always doubled every ten years.


  • 美国房地产经纪人协会表示以目前销售速度需要将近9个月的时间才能把现在市场所有二手房销售出去。

    The National Association of Realtors said that at the current pace of sales it would take about nine months to sell all of the previously-owned homes on the market.


  • 美国房屋中价由20076月峰值170,500美元下降了26%,数据来自华盛顿国家房地产经纪人协会

    The median U.S. home price has declined 26 percent since a June 2007 peak to $170, 500, according to data from Washington- based National Association of Realtors.


  • 根据全国房地产经纪人协会的统计,加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托市公寓价格比2007年的均值下跌了59%。

    In Sacramento, Calif., condo prices have fallen 59% from what they averaged in 2007, according to NAR.


  • 房地产崩盘普遍拉斯维加斯这样,美国内华达州房地产经纪人协会(NVAR)会长Devin赖斯解释道要命了

    When a property crash becomes as pervasive as Las Vegas's, explains Devin Reiss, a former head of the Nevada Association of Realtors (NVAR), it takes on a life of its own.


  • 同日,严峻的形势还表现为全国房地产经纪人协会六月份房产销售达到15年来的最低点,使人们认为房地产已经地质谷底希望破灭

    The dour outlooks come on the same day that the National Association of Realtors said home sales reached a 15-year low in June , dousing hopes that the industry had reached a bottoming point.


  • 七月房屋销售达到了最低水平自从1999年NAR(国家房地产经纪人协会开始统计现有房屋销售数据以来,同比去年七月25个百分点。

    Home sales in July were at their lowest level since the NAR began collating its existing homes sales figures in 1999, and were 25% lower than in the same month a year earlier.


  • 对于房屋销售数据的担忧使得华尔街早些时候交易走低NAR(国家房地产经纪人协会)报告形式确认销售的量将会继续推动股票下跌。

    Apprehension about weak housing figures pushed Wall Street lower in early trading and confirmation of the record low sales in the form of the NAR report sent shares down further.


  • 对于房屋销售数据的担忧使得华尔街早些时候交易走低NAR(国家房地产经纪人协会)报告形式确认销售的量将会继续推动股票下跌。

    Apprehension about weak housing figures pushed Wall Street lower in early trading and confirmation of the record low sales in the form of the NAR report sent shares down further.


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