• 许多按揭房产本身就基于这样的原则:共同财产一位所有去世他们共同财产的一半自动所有而不管遗嘱中的内容。

    Most mortgages are set up on this basis and this means that if one owners dies their half is automatically transferred the owner, regardless of what it says in a will.


  • 如果我们相信自己说的话——所有愿意美国因为这里一块所有人提供机遇土地——那么,我们需要句话变为现实政策。

    If we believe what we say - that America is the land of opportunity for all and that is why people want to come here - then we need the policies that will make that actually true.


  • 对于复杂项目主要产品所有人的观点产品所有人一起对于种子元件或者应用程序用高层次方式组织起来

    For complex projects, the idea of a chief product owner in concert with product owners over various subcomponent or applications might be organized in a hierarchical manner.


  • 纪念我们所失去们,我们继续一个所有世界每个角落所有人能够生活得尊严、自由和平的世界努力

    And in the memory of those we lost we continue to work for a world where all people, all people in every part of this world can live in dignity, freedom, and peace.


  • 本条所称权利商业秘密所有和经商业秘密所有许可商业秘密使用

    "Obligee" as mentioned in this Article refers to the owner of business secrets and the person who is permitted by the owner to use the business secrets.


  • 既然所有——就此而言,也包括大多数类——打婴儿起,认同他们自己族群,所以认为所有人都会显示同样的次血统偏见,站自己族群一边。

    Since all humans — and most nonhumans for that matter — identify with their own clan from infancy, you would think all races would show the same hypodescent bias in favor of their own group.


  • 既然所有——就此而言,也包括大多数类——打婴儿起,认同他们自己族群,所以认为所有人都会显示同样的次血统偏见,站自己族群一边。

    Since all humans - and most nonhumans for that matter - identify with their own clan from infancy, you would think all RACES would show the same hypodescent bias in favor of their own group.


  • 如果大家具有不同倾向,但享共同之处,那么这群体肯定所有都爱冒风险所有人都想规避风险更具适应力

    If you have a group of different people with different proclivities and [everyone] shares, that's even more adaptive than all people being risk-takers or all risk-averse.


  • 归根结底如果希望所有使用您创建东西那么就必须提供足够简单性使所有人都能够使用。

    What it comes down to is this: if you want to create something that everyone will use, then make it simple enough for everyone to use.


  • 非严格意义上说,高空走钢丝链接着这本小说所有人物;表演绝技当天他们所有生活枢纽

    In a loose sense, what connects everyone in this novel is the high-wire walker; the day of his stunt is a pivotal one in all of their lives.


  • 面对好像自己很远所有针对所有霍布斯战争”,只要自己没有卷入都会本能的启动自我保护机制,变得麻木起来。

    Faced with what looks from afar like a Hobbesian war of all against all, if not a descent into hell itself, the normal instinct of human beings to exercise their moral faculties grows numb.


  • 公司债务一笔借来的钱,不管债权银行还是股东,或债券所有人或者商业票据所有人,这些都固定收益

    The debt of a company is the amount of money it owes either to Banks, or to bond holders, or to note holders, or commercial paper holders; these are fixed incomes.


  • 假设比尔·克林顿步入摇滚嘻哈演唱会现场,这个彻底转变现场所有思路所有迎合方式来互动

    If Bill Clinton walked into a raging rock concert or hip hop concert, this one man, would have everyone in a completely different frame of mind, all begging to appease his way of interaction.


  • 流行病一个定义特性几乎能导致全球感染不是所有都会被感染,所有人有面临着被感染危险。

    A defining characteristic of a pandemic is the almost universal vulnerability of the world's population to infection. Not all people become infected, but nearly all people are at risk.


  • 行业公司可以通过建筑所有而与价格上的竞争者区分开来,因为建筑所有人最终公司的产品买单他们购买过程分成好几

    Firms in this business are also insulated from cheaper competitors because buildings' owners, who ultimately pay for their products, are several steps removed from the process of buying them.


  • 所有人的眼球都会关注波士顿不过觉得所有人其实是想要关注热火,”里弗斯说道:“我们(卡尔特队)不过来出场比赛,仅此而已。

    "All eyes will be on the game in Boston, but I think all eyes will really be on Miami, " Rivers said. "We're the other team that's playing and we're just going to show up.


  • 对待祖父敬意对待所有对待你的弟弟耐心对待所有人

    Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to your grandfather and the same level of patience you would have with your baby brother.


  • 遇险船舶船长或者船舶所有有权代表船上财产所有人订立救助合同

    The Master of the ship in distress or its owner shall have the authority to conclude a contract for salvage operations on behalf of the owner of the property on board.


  • 所有拍手喝彩——而且,所有人知道仪式无关紧要的。

    Everyone applauded—and everyone knew the ceremony was irrelevant.


  • 我们不能假设美国所有这样的,或者假设中国所有人全都是那样的。

    We can't make these assumptions that everybody in the US is like this and everybody in China is like that.


  • 并非所有都会喜欢早晨件事所以我也所有人推荐全部,但是认为一些也许感兴趣们分享一下观点也无妨

    Not everyone will love the three things I do in the morning, so I don't recommend that everyone adopt it wholesale, but I thought I'd share just to provide ideas for others who might be interested.


  • 下列查询获取年中呼叫过的所有以及从未呼叫所有

    The following query gets everyone you haven't called in a year and everyone you've never called at all.


  • 所有可以提交增强建议并且所有人都可以提交将包含EclipseProcessFramework未来版本中的内容代码

    Anybody can submit Suggestions for enhancements, and anybody can submit content or code to be included in future versions of the Eclipse Process Framework.


  • 违抗父母之命,也不再听所有劝告,这时,我们不禁疑问:要是所有人压根儿反对他们一起,那会怎样

    With our heroine defying her parents and our hero defying just about everyone on the planet, we have to ask: What if no one had had any problems with them at all?


  • ,“我们知道未来越过我们所有相信我们所有人都将生活我们自己创造未来之中。”

    "We know the future will outlast all of us, but I believe that all of us will live on in the future we make," he said.


  • 硅谷,几乎所有认为谷歌根本无法Facebook竞争,但Google +的表现却让所有人——包括Facebook的忠实拥趸——大跌眼镜

    In Silicon Valley, where everyone had given up on the idea that Google could compete with Facebook, Google + caught everyone — including Facebook loyalistsby surprise.


  • 相反地知道事情面向公众公开,因此我们所有可以光天化日之下讨论影响着我们所有人的事情,我向这个世界寻求的,是正义。

    Instead, I took what I knew to the public, so what affects all of us can be discussed by all of us in the light of day, and I asked the world for justice.


  • 如果一种得到所有关注的一般性需要,慷慨地付出所有人

    If you have a general need from everyone, give it generously to everyone.


  • 如果一种得到所有关注的一般性需要,慷慨地付出所有人

    If you have a general need from everyone, give it generously to everyone.


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