• 他们发现手机独立性隐私赋予了短信的人表达一种全新外在个性能力

    They found that the mobile phone's individuality and privacy gave texters the ability to express a whole new outer personality.


  • 应用程序创造一个全新操作系统有趣,但是我们使用手机时候想着尽快事情办完

    Creating a whole new OS within your app can be fun, but when you're dealing with the mobile medium, people just want to get stuff done.


  • 也许RIM公司发布全新BBX平台手机之后,情况有所改变现在看来也许要等到2012年了。

    Perhaps that will change when RIM launches phones with the new BBX platform, but that’s looking like a 2012 event at this point.


  • 全新的组件免费用户提供了完整虚拟文件系统以及操作界面,用户可以任何地方凭借任何装有浏览器的电脑手机对其进行访问。

    The new outfit provides its (free) subscribers with an entire virtual filing system and desktop, which they can get into from any browser-equipped computer or mobile phone anywhere.


  • 不仅如此,基于手机全新医疗技术正逐渐被医院所采用但是供应商感染风险认知并不一致

    Not only that, but a whole new generation of cell phone-based medical technology is coming to hospitals and not every vendor is thinking about the infection risk equally.


  • 跟苹果商店取得联系后,奥尔森确定了手机的确苹果商店,并且被告知手机个男人拿来的,由于男人口口声声手机的,于是苹果商店还免费提供给他一个全新手机供他在维修期间能手机用。

    Upon contacting the store she learned that her phone was indeed there, and that the alleged thief had brought it in, claiming it was his, and received a brand new replacement phone at no cost.


  • 韩国最大移动电话运营商7月10日表示他们手机用户提供一项全新干扰音服务,他们,这项服务是用来的。

    South Korea's largest mobile phone operator said Thursday that it will offer cell phone users a new noise service that it says will repel mosquitoes.


  • 同时,据猜测,明年还将有另一款采用“全新充电方式iPhone手机问世。

    Meanwhile next year, another iPhone model will supposedly feature "new ways of charging the phone."


  • iPhone是个全新产物传统手机一个具有固定功能的装置苹果的iPhone从应用程序上看象个人电脑。

    And the iPhone is something entirely new: traditionally, a phone is an appliance, (it does a circumscribed set of things), but Apple's product is becoming PC-like in its range of applications.


  • 微软正式发布了全新手机操作智能系统WindowsPhone7

    Microsoft launched Windows Phone 7, its new operating system for mobile phones.


  • 例如微软使手机软件业务重新焕发生机,现在它正展示一个全新手机操作系统WindowsPhone7 该操作系统在今年晚些时候应用手机上。

    For instance, Microsoft has worked to revitalize its smartphone software business, demonstrating a new smartphone operating system, Windows Phone 7, that will ship on cellphones late this year.


  • 手机芯片信用卡要好如此说道

    Secure chips in handsets thwart fraud better than credit cards, he contended.


  • 从文化角度上来说互联网处于全新阶段顶端当前手机应用程序社会化网络仅仅是先驱

    Culturally, the Internet does appear to be on the cusp of a new phase, for which the current generation of apps and social networks are simply the vanguard.


  • 也就是为什么许多旁观者期待全新改变已经亮相尤其是对于诺基亚手机操作系统的期待,如同是公司的未来

    This is why most observers expected the thorough changes that have now been announced, especially as concerns the operating system on which Nokia intends to bet its future.


  • iPhone4手机采取全新设计天线设在环绕手机金属中,而不是手机内部

    The iPhone 4 has a new design, with the antenna built into a metal band that surrounds the phone, instead of inside the device.


  • 这种举措相当出人意料本月内,日本电报电话公司下属的日本最大移动电话运营商DOCOMO还表示推出一款全新诺基亚智能手机作为冬季的主打机型。

    The move was still rather abrupt as NTT DoCoMo, the biggest mobile phone operator in Japan, said this month that it would sell a new Nokia smartphone for the winter season.


  • 最有意思的虽然Palm推出全新手机对付iPhone但是Apple的绝大多数回应通过固件升级完成

    What's most interesting is that Palm had to pull together a whole new piece of hardware to tackle the iPhone, but most of Apple's response has been achieved in a firmware upgrade.


  • 苹果公司透露手机不是全新iPhone5而是iPhone4s,苹果的股价下跌了3%。

    Apple's share price plunged 3 per cent after it was revealed that the new phone would be the 4s, not an all-new iPhone 5.


  • 微软Windows8(原计划在明年发布)一个全新接口这个接口可以智能手机软件Facebook其他网络服务整合起来。

    Microsoft's Windows 8 (due next year) has a radical interface that resembles its smartphone software and is integrated with Facebook and other Web services.


  • 苹果电脑公司赋予“螺丝锁紧手机一项全新意义

    Apple Inc is giving a whole new meaning to locking your phone with its new screws.


  • 诺基亚微软宣布建立深度战略合作伙伴关系的计划,他们运用自身的力量技术进行互补,共同建立一个全新全球手机生态系统

    Nokia and Microsoft announced plans to form a broad strategic partnership that would use their complementary strengths and expertise to create a new global mobile ecosystem.


  • 可以设置个人信息一个全新显示图片直接手机相机

    You can set your personal message and take a brand new display picture, directly from your phones camera.


  • 由此可见,手机短信作为人类一种全新的、影响力巨大人际交往方式正在给人们工作学习生活带来深刻的影响

    This shows that the mobile phone messages as a new and influential interpersonal communication for human beings, which has a profound impact on people's work, study and life.


  • 购买彩信手机享受彩信视觉听觉信息沟通全新感受,正成为一种新的时尚

    Buying MMS handsets and enjoying new senses in seeing, hearing and communicating of MMS has become a fashion.


  • 近日摩托罗拉移动技术推出了“计算崭新战略开创PC手机之外第三全新数码终端领域

    Recently, Motorola introduced the mobile technology, "Mount calculation" in the new strategy in the PC and create the third-largest mobile phone outside the new digital terminal area.


  • 近日摩托罗拉移动技术推出了“计算崭新战略开创PC手机之外第三全新数码终端领域

    Recently, Motorola introduced the mobile technology, "Mount calculation" in the new strategy in the PC and create the third-largest mobile phone outside the new digital terminal area.


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