You can connect devices and pet trackers to the sphere so that it tracks them in your house.
After close to a decade of stellar growth, analysts say a tipping point in the smartphone market has been reached as most people already have a phone, phablet or tablet device.
The wireless age is expanding to include not just our phones, tablets, and laptops, but also our cars, homes, and even whole communities.
He repeatedly took an existing but half-formed idea—the mouse-driven computer, the digital music player, the smartphone, the tablet computer—and showed the rest of the industry how to do it properly.
Radesky has studied the use of mobile phones and tablets at mealtimes by giving mother-child pairs a food-testing exercise.
On a chilly day last spring, a few dozen developers of children's apps for phones and tablets gathered at an old beach resort in Monterey, California, to show off their games.
Professors sometimes implement policies designed to minimize students' use of digital devices, and some instructors even confiscate tablets and phones.
This refers to all the attention young people devote to their phones, tablets and laptops.
For years, smartphones, televisions, tablets, laptops and desktops have made up a huge part of the market and driven innovation.
That is bad news for any firm that may hope that smartwatches can make up ground for maturing smartphone and tablet markets.
College professors are increasingly raising alarm bells about the effects smartphones, laptops, and tablets have on academic performance.
Newspapers are dying. Electronic devices like mobile phones, pads, TVs and car radios can all be the killers.
In today's world, sleep experts often say that for a better night's rest, Americans should turn off their smart phones or iPads before sleeping.
The firm sells Otterbox protective cases for smartphones and tablets.
Other sports papers have gone into e-commerce and paid news delivered via mobile phones and tablet computers.
But it hasn't had any real presence in smart-phones, tablets or consumer cloud services.
Android isn't really about phones, or tablets, TVs or any other device in particular, Rubin said.
Far more likely is that we're entering a "PC plus" era, one in which traditional PCs are supplemented by a range of smartphones, tablets, and other devices.
But smartphones, tablets and other mobile digital devices are likely to keep the consumer-electronics industry busy for some time to come.
Here are five ways could Apple actually invent the future, and thwart other makers of phones, tablets, and computers.
By economising on scarce mobile spectrum, femtocells might prove most useful in managing the rapid growth of internet and video traffic to smartphones and tablet computers.
However, now in a world piled high with smartphones, tablets and e-readers, technology has entered the classroom in ways unimaginable.
The new platform will be featured on new 47- and 55-inch HDTV sets at CES, as well as a new Vizio smartphone and tablet.
Based on Linux and built in collaboration with Intel, MeeGo is designed to run on phones, tablets and small laptops — in other words, the devices that are the future of personal computing.
With 8.5 billion PCs, smart phones and tablets predicted to be connected to the Internet by 2012, the London games are set to be the biggest ever online.
With 8.5 billion PCs, smart phones and tablets predicted to be connected to the Internet by 2012, the London games are set to be the biggest ever online.