As a bonus, I've beaten my high scores on all my phone games.
Two days ago, his teacher told me that my son often played phone games in class.
Micropayments is a new thing that mobile game developers are using to increase revenue from apps.
Angry Birds is the first mobile game to have real mainstream success.
Many popular mobile games are available for Android platform as well.
Even Angry Birds, that mascot of all mobile gaming, is cribbed.
Building on the concept of collaborative play, social networking is an important tool to incorporate into mobile games.
今年,游戏变得移动化,社会化。 不少流行手机游戏的花费还不到一块钱。
This year, gaming became mobile and social.Many of the year's popular phone-based games cost less than a buck.
The information from these sessions had then been used to produce a blueprint of the "perfect" mobile game.
Mobile users aren't usually doing anything else when playing with the apps - the device has their complete attention.
Major players such as Microsoft and Sony have taken interest in the potential of mobile gaming and are looking to expand into mobile gaming.
Some were reading magazines, some were playing mobile phone games and some just dozed off.
Inspired by the hugely popular phone game Angry Birds, the film Rio opened in theaters all over Asia on April 8.
The original mobile game is still wildly popular, and now there are plush toys on the market and movie and TV deals in the works.
Zhao accused the web portal of using his image for a cellphone game commercial, which has allegedly damaged his image. Zhao is seeking compensation of RMB2.05m.
Bailey also stressed that his company is looking very closely at the opportunities that mobile gaming platforms like the iPhone present to developers.
Although these trends have been present for quite some time in the mobile gaming industry, the infrastructure to support these initiatives is still lacking.
Massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG) have been successes on the Internet while mobile gaming has not necessarily capitalized on this market.
The average iPhone owner spends twice the average amount of time playing mobile games compared to other mobile gamers, according to a recent study done by Nielsen.
The popular mobile game (whose publisher, Chillingo, was recently bought by video-game conglomerate EA) might seem simple, but it's deceptively difficult.
微软所采取把X -Box Live移植到手机上的倡议是手机游戏领域的另一个重要发展趋势。
The initiative taken by Microsoft to bring X-Box Live to mobiles is another important development in this field.
According to Gartner, mobile gaming revenue will reach $11.4 billion by 2014.
Another, masquerading as an update for “Angry Birds”, a mobile game, deleted browser histories and bookmarks on phones.
The average iPhone owner spent 14.7 hours playing mobile games over a 30-day period, while the average Android owner spent only 9.3 hours.
Thanks to my job as a game programmer, I come into contact with a lot of code for small mobile games. And it always amazes me how many game loop implementations are out there.
艺电创始人之一、现任从事手机游戏开发制作的数码巧克力公司行政总裁的Trip Hawkins说,“iPhone是一个先行者。
“The iPhone was a harbinger, ” said Trip Hawkins, a founder of Electronic Arts and now chief executive of Digital Chocolate, which makes games for cellphones.
艺电创始人之一、现任从事手机游戏开发制作的数码巧克力公司行政总裁的Trip Hawkins说,“iPhone是一个先行者。
“The iPhone was a harbinger, ” said Trip Hawkins, a founder of Electronic Arts and now chief executive of Digital Chocolate, which makes games for cellphones.