• 多年以来,人们关于打手势废话演讲任何其它方面的都要

    Over the years, more nonsense has been written about gesturing than about any other aspect of speech delivery.


  • 我们总以为我们谈话打手势方式自然的”,觉得那些行为方式我们不同的人有点态度草率。

    We assume that our way of talking and gesturing is "natural" and that those who do things differently are somehow playing with nature.


  • 打手势示意锁着的前门打开

    She motioned for the locked front doors to be opened.


  • 打手势加入他们的活动。

    She beckoned him to come and join them.


  • 一个男子拼命地打手势

    A man with a paper hat upon his head was gesticulating wildly.


  • 那位建筑师对着地上一个打手势

    The architect was gesticulating at a hole in the ground.


  • 突然安妮爸爸停下来打手势不要动。

    Suddenly Annie's father stopped and gestured for her to be still.


  • 我们打手势是因为我们语言一部分

    We gesture because it's part of our lexicon.


  • 另一个实验中让温和电击作用皮肤上实验者一感觉到打手势

    In another experiment he applied a mild shock to people's skin and had them gesture as soon as they felt it.


  • 然后突然害怕变得不舒服电视的声音调, 向打手势告诉房东可能在我们谈话。

    Then, quite suddenly, she looks sick with fear and switches the TV on at a high volume, motioning to the door and telling me the landlady is probably listening at it.


  • 广告一位出差中的失聪者妻子打手势作为结束。

    The AD ends with a deaf man signing to his wife while on a business trip.


  • 果真如此的话通过观察我们亲缘关系最近灵长类动物之间的沟通交流,可能从中发现某些线索,证明人类语言到底是怎样咕哝有声或者打手势进化而来的。

    If so, it should be possible to find clues about how human language evolved from grunts or gestures by observing the communication of our close primate relatives.


  • 杨家河,正是20多岁年纪,我们到达门前,打手势跟上,然后我们向下走过一大段混凝土楼梯

    Upon arrival, Yang, who is in his twenties, gestured for me to follow him and we headed down a series of wide concrete steps.


  • 努干上30急诊护士托尼·凯尔打手势正救治受伤士兵小组成员他们分钟降落

    Emergency nurse, Tony Kyle, 30, signals to other members of the team treating two wounded soldiers onboard a Chinook that they'll be landing in two minutes.


  • 8月25日,AbuSlim叛军忠于卡扎菲的支持者交战,叛军士兵战友打手势示意。

    A rebel soldier motions to fellow fighters during clashes with Gaddafi loyalists in Abu Slim, August 25, 2011.


  • 老妇打手势老妇人却拿出根棍子他们赶走。

    He made signs to the old woman, but she took up a stick, and struck his horse and drove them away.


  • 打手势强调的讲话

    He made gestures to punctuate his speech.


  • 打手势一种非言语表达方式

    Gestures are a nonverbal means of expression.


  • 司机又是打手势又是画图身边还围了一群人最后终于说服司机让我在开车的时候他指路。

    So by hand signs, drawing on a paper and having a crowd gather around the driver and me, I finally persuaded the driver to drive with me showing him.


  • 我站起来着脚壁橱走去途中顺手了条搭在椅背抹布,突然想起是个不错的武器,并且打手势示意让我家的里克紧跟后面

    I get up and tiptoe toward the cupboard. Along the way I grab a dish towel off the back of a chair-a weapon strikes me as a good idea-and motion to our dog Rick to stick close behind me.


  • 默默地打手势鲜花放在脚前

    He silently gestured that I simply place the flowers at His feet.


  • 安迪监狱时另一个副手特纳打手势两个人小声说话,向方向一次

    As Andy was escorted into the jail, another deputy motioned for Turner, and the two whispered softly, looking once in his direction.


  • 因为他们语言,所以只好完全打手势做比划来他们交流

    As he could not speak their language, he communicated with them entirely by gesture.


  • 语速有点相当清楚只是说话打手势

    He speaks a little bit fast but very clearly. However, he likes to gesture from time to time while he's talking.


  • 开始一些夸张的话一些真正的恶棍陈词滥调然后我会打手势,你就跳出然后一些吓人的话

    Xy:I'll start by saying something over-the-top, some real cliche villain stuff, then I'll gesture to you, and you leap out and say something terrifying.


  • 尽管我们英语很慢而且不停地打手势(美国人说“明白”的意思),服务员还是好几分钟才明白我们到底要什么

    Despite speaking slowly in English and gesticulating wildly (American for "I want you to understand me"), it still took the attendant several minutes to figure out what it was we were looking for.


  • 萨穆埃尔·皮普斯(Samuel Pepys)曾自己日记中这样写道,“在很多方面与人类非常相似甚至觉得它听得英语,我想它应该能学会说话打手势。”

    Samuel Pepys wrote in his diary that the ape, " … is so much like a man in most things, I do believe it understands English and I am of the mind that it might be taught to speak and make signs."


  • 萨穆埃尔·皮普斯(Samuel Pepys)曾自己日记中这样写道,“在很多方面与人类非常相似甚至觉得它听得英语,我想它应该能学会说话打手势。”

    Samuel Pepys wrote in his diary that the ape, " … is so much like a man in most things, I do believe it understands English and I am of the mind that it might be taught to speak and make signs."


- 来自原声例句

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