• 1990年,金·凯利开始走红,当时得到了嬉皮士喜剧扮演角色的机会。这部名为《跳动的色彩》的剧目演员包括一组美国黑人唯一白人小伙子凯利。

    Jim Carrey got his big break in 1990, when he landed a role on the hip new sketch comedy show in Living Color which boasted a cast of African-Americans and Carrey. the sole white guy.


  • 通过它们可以扮演各种各样角色并且这样她也有机会获得某种知识

    With them, she can occupy all these different roles, and in doing so she has access to certain kinds of knowledge.


  • 外,“家庭爱心房”里的电脑扮演着不可或缺的角色,因为它为廖提供了一个宝贵的机会,可以帮助那些父母远在外地工作的孩子上网聊天。

    Moreover, a computer in the "family love room" plays an indispensable role because it offers a precious opportunity for Liao to help children whose parents are working far away to chat with them online.


  • 每个自己家庭老朋友中间都扮演固定角色移居可以让机会过新的生活。

    Everyone plays an established role with his or her families and old friends, and moving somewhere new gives you an opportunity to reboot.


  • 明显地开源教育里面扮演越来越重要角色继续能够提供服务供应商创造机会

    Clearly, open source is going to play an increasingly significant role within education, and this will continue to create opportunities for vendors that are able to offer services.


  • 刚刚读完了NealRoese如何后悔变成机会关于后悔生活中扮演角色思考很多。

    I just finished Neal Roese's book, If Only: How to Turn regret Into Opportunity, and so I've been thinking a lot about the role of regret.


  • 也许是因为女孩善于谈论问题或者是因为女孩们机会扮演关怀者角色帕蒂亚-沃克

    This may be because girls are better at talking about problems or are more likely to take on a caregiver role, Padilla-Walker says.


  • 62韦尔至少年内不会下台甚至可能坚守更长时间潜在继任者机会证明他们能够扮演好这个角色

    Mr. Weldon, 62 years old, isn't expected to step down for at least a year, and perhaps longer, giving his potential successors a chance to prove themselves in their new roles.


  • 全球化创造更多就业机会岗位扮演不可替代的重要角色

    Globalization plays an essential and irreplaceable role in generating more employment opportunities and positions.


  • 类似科尔这样球员之前在卡佩罗麾下只能扮演不起眼角色现在他们了证明自己的绝佳机会

    It is a critical opportunity for the likes of Young and Cole, who have both only enjoyed bit-part roles under Capello but who could now take their chances.


  • 角色扮演期间感觉自尊受到威胁研究参与者,竟然毫无必要蓄意破坏下属机会

    During role-playing sessions, study participants who felt their egos were under threat would go so far as to needlessly sabotage an underling’s chances of winning money.


  • 《午夜凶铃》的失策且忽略提,可一点没糟蹋掉穆赫兰道》、《21克》东方承诺》中扮演感情郁积角色的机会

    Ignoring the Ring missteps, there’s no dissing her smouldering turns in Mulholland Dr., 21 Grams and Eastern Promises.


  • 总之他们来说,机会运气成功道路扮演重要角色

    In summary, to them, chances and lucks play the most important role on the road to success.


  • 研究生毕业后,你所在实验室扮演一个决定博士后工作机会角色或者学术界,或者工业界或者其他领域

    When you graduate, the laboratory you graduate from is going to play a role in determining what opportunities exist for your postdoctoral work, either in academia, industry, or other sectors.


  • 就读于西安交通大学经济学专业,现年19程佳认为复杂角色扮演游戏越能提供一个更好了解朋友们个性机会

    Cheng Jia, a 19-year-old economics major at Xi 'an Jiaotong University, in fact thinks that the more complicated role-playing games provide a chance to get to know the personalities of friends better.


  • 如果扮演的是任何另外角色喜欢结果,那么选择英雄机会面前。

    If you are playing any other role and don't like the consequences, the opportunity to choose to be a hero is always there.


  • 合作学习中学生所扮演不同角色讲解课文中承担责任以及他们所获得的表达机会极大地促进他们课堂参与性

    The roles that students took, the responsibility for explaining part of the text on everyone and the chances offered for them to speak out all proved helpful for their classroom participation.


  • 图书馆员自己知识技能专业精神消除数字鸿沟、创造数字机会扮演重要角色

    As a vital new force, librarians will play a more eminent role in turning the digital divide to the digital opportunity with their knowledge, skills and professional spirit.


  • 多亏天王星木星帮助,你的一位朋友你未来的财务机会扮演重要角色

    Thanks to the help of Uranus and Jupiter, a friend seems to play a key role in the financial opportunity that comes up.


  • 随着中国进一步走向世界我们越来越机会其他国家进行交流,其中文化交流扮演着越来越重要的角色

    With China further heading for the world, we have more and more opportunities to exchange with other countries, and cultural exchanges also become more important in communication.


  • 巴罗佐敦促中国解决这场危机作出的决策扮演重要角色表示这场危机中国展现责任感”的机会

    Mr Barroso also urged China to play an important role in decisions taken to try to resolve the crisis, which he said was an opportunity for China to show "a sense of responsibility".


  • 课程形式灵活结合培训材料角色扮演学员提供了一个发表观点、交流思想的有益机会

    The course format is flexible and interactive. It integrates training materials and role play exercises, which provide opportunities for delegates to participate and exchange their ideas.


  • 机会威胁同时还扮演一个重要角色他们能决定公司位置

    The opportunities and threats also play a significant role in determining the position of the company.


  • 角色扮演游戏机会假装别人

    Role-playing games give you the opportunity to pretend to be someone else.


  • 也是赢得各类补偿金之后扮演领导角色机会

    It is also a good time for taking on leadership roles while earning more of these types of compensation.


  • 扶轮生命中扮演重要角色超过三十六机会参与各种各样的计划服务活动

    Rotary has been a very important part of my life for over 36 years and has enabled me to become involved in all manner of projects and service activities.


  • 扶轮生命中扮演重要角色超过三十六机会参与各种各样的计划服务活动

    Rotary has been a very important part of my life for over 36 years and has enabled me to become involved in all manner of projects and service activities.


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