He has shattered metaphysics epistemology by the criticism of material entity. spiritual entity and God entity.
This article first elaborates Leibniz's reflection and critique to the modern epistemological thinking mode.
The analysis of documents shows that reflective instruction has been put forward by foreign scholars from three perspectives of reflective thinking, practical epistemology and critical theory.
For the sake of criticizing Frege and Russell's theory of description of names, Kripke gave three kinds of demonstration, namely model arguments, epistemological arguments and semantic arguments.
Feminism empirical theory is one of the form of feminism theory of recognition, which comes from feminism's criticize to science.
The population thought criticized the essentialism, exposed the complicated relation of individual and groups, and made an important effect in the study of modern philosophy to life and society.
John Dewey criticizes Herbart's pedagogical doctrines violently, which shows the serious conflict be - tween the empiricism and the metaphysics out of German classical philosophy tradition.
A naturalist epistemological trend appears when the foundationalist logical empiricism has been examined by modern western philosophy.
The modern critique is a self-criticism of survives practical activity, as a result is existence theory critique of transcend the epistemology.
The reflective thinking and teaching theory was an important part of the system of Dewey s educational thoughts.
The reflective thinking and teaching theory was an important part of the system of Dewey s educational thoughts.