Here are some general requirements established in the contractor management standard.
Towards the end of the contractor management standard, you will find the related documents section.
And finally, we looked at other documents and training materials related to contractor management.
Let's now look at the contractor management standard appendixes, and other related training materials.
The contractor management standard establishes contractor safety requirements both prior to and during the commencement of work.
This concludes our description of contractor management safety requirements. Let's review what we have covered.
These ERP systems should cater to inventory management, demand forecasting, contractor management, master data management and e-procurement.
2: and there were factories in occupations such as metalwork where individual contractors presided over what were essentially handicraft proprietorships that coexisted within a single building.
供应商管理(Supplier management)考虑COTS使用,例如B2B、子承包商管理和离岸开发的集成。
Supplier management consider usage of COTS, integration such as B2B, managing subcontractors, and offshore development.
Initially, rather than appointing a general contractor to run the project, the corporation decided to manage it themselves.
Many of these companies had engaged the services of numerous contractors, yet had no reliable systems to manage their distributed workforces.
If you run a service business, he adds, pay attention to the cost of hiring the employees and contractors who are an essential part of the services your company provides.
一位曾经帮助苹果公司开发iPod的承包商,前PortalPlayer的高层管理者报告说,"关于iPod最有意思的事情是在其研发开始的时候,Steve Jobs(苹果电脑创始人之一)将他所有的时间都放在了iPod上。
A former senior manager at PortalPlayer, a contractor that helped Apple develop the iPod, reported, "The interesting thing about the iPod is that since it started, it had 100% of Steve Jobs's time."
The indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract calls for providing program management and technical services to the Naval Operational Logistics Support Center.
The three are held together by appropriate governance: program and project management, executive steering, change and configuration management, contractor and business partner management, and so on.
Managers of the intelligence agencies do not necessarily know how many contractors work for them.
Hyatt managers seemingly came to the conclusion that they could save money by firing the housekeeping staffs at three hotels and replacing them with vendor-managed contractors.
By combining the relevant theories and practices vividly together, the author take lots of cases about construction claims for example and hope that it works for contractors to manage claims.
Unless specifically authorized by site management, contractors will not remove hazardous or non-hazardous waste materials from the site.
All on-site roads, machines, materials, temporary facilities, power lines, water pipelines shall be laid out and managed according to CONTRACTOR requirements.
It is comical to repeat the experience of a small construction contractor who was visited by an OSHA inspector.
Assist the manager to manage the maintenance team and the contractor. Keep the machine running smoothly.
It is designed to take you beyond a basic awareness of managing contractor safety performance.
A culture of continuous performance improvement on the part of the Contractor's Crews and Site Management should be apparent to the Companies' Representatives.
Not only can contract claim enhance the ability of contractors to manage international engineering, but also can bring considerable financial benefit.
The CONTRACTOR shall furnish with the coal and limestone yards designs and plans, the corresponding operation manuals for the proper management of these yards.
All personnel are responsible for monitoring outside contractor personnel when on site and for reporting safety nonconformance to site management and contractor supervision.
Contractor's management will be penalized for not providing, replacing or maintaining adequate PPE in the implementation of the above policy.
Claim is an important part of the contract management, project management, especially the contractor save interest loss of the important means.
Claim is an important part of the contract management, project management, especially the contractor save interest loss of the important means.