• 违反者承担损害赔偿责任

    Offenders will be liable for damages.


  • 及时抢修造成用电人损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任

    Where the supplier does not rush to repair and thus causes losses to the consumer, the supplier shall hold the liability for damages.


  • 任何方有其他违约情形给对方造成损失承担损害赔偿责任

    If any of the parties breach the contract and caused the losses to the other, it must assume liability for damages.


  • 第三人的过错造成燃气事故的,第三人应当依法承担损害赔偿责任

    A third party, whose fault causes the fuel gas accident, shall be liable to pay damages according to law.


  • 未事先通知用电中断供电造成用电人损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任

    If the supplier cuts the electricity supply without notifying the consumer in advance and thus causes losses to the consumer, the supplier shall hold the liability for damages.


  • 赠与故意告知瑕疵或者保证瑕疵,造成受赠损失应当承担损害赔偿责任

    Where the donor intentionally omitted to inform the donee of the defect or warranted the absence of any defect, thereby causing loss to the donee, he shall be liable for damages.


  • 发出通知中任一种通知的一方,应对本应可以避免损失承担损害赔偿责任

    Failure to give either notice makes the party thus failing liable in damages for loss which otherwise could have been avoided.


  • 侵害他人债权是否构成侵权行为承担损害赔偿责任,这民法有名争论问题

    Whether infringing creditor's rights constitutes conduct infringing rights and assuming damages is a famous disputed problem in the civil law.


  • 董事超过经营范围所导致结果,如果公司损失董事没有过失或故意,不需要承担损害赔偿责任

    When directors execute Company's charter and their behavior belong to negligent and provides losses to the company, they should bear liability.


  • 第三人不履行义务致使委托人受到损害的,行纪应当承担损害赔偿责任,但行纪人委托人另有约定除外

    Where the third party fails to fulfill the contracted obligations and causes thus losses to the truster, the broker shall be liable therefor, unless the broker and the truster stipulate otherwise.


  • 这种类型案件处理除了依法追究责任者的行政责任刑事责任外,有关单位个人必须受害人承担损害赔偿责任

    To deal with this kind of case, the concerned unit and person should not only bear administrative responsibility and criminal liability but also make economic compensation to victims.


  • 精神损害赔偿是指不法行为使民事主体遭受精神痛苦精神利益受损,而以财产方式承担法律责任

    Mental damage compensation means legal liability in the form of property because illegal behavior inflicts mental pain or mental benefit incurrence on civil subjects.


  • 违约应当承担全部损害赔偿责任

    The defaulting party shall be liable for all damage compensation.


  • 特别是侵权领域引入经济学理论侵权行为的责任承担损害赔偿事后研究转向事先分析

    Especially economic theory is brought forth in the field of piracy, assuming responsibility and damage compensation. It turns from later study event to beforehand analysis.


  • 如果侵犯注册版权,侵权人便承担支付损害赔偿罚款被监禁的法律责任

    If he violates a copyright created by registration, he may be liable for damages, fines or imprisonment.


  • 任何情况下网站造成的直接间接偶然必然的,特殊的,惩罚性惩戒性损害赔偿,本网站承担任何责任

    In any case, due to the site direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages, the website and its owners do not undertake any responsibility.


  • 网络名誉侵权应承担何种责任司法管辖地如何确定造成损害赔偿如何计算成为网络名誉侵权重要问题

    Issues on what kind of responsibility should be born by network defamation, how to define the jurisdictional area and calculate compensation of damage have become more important.


  • 经济损害赔偿责任范围上,应当依据注册资产评估师承担义务性质进行区分

    The range of the responsibility of economic compensation for damage should be distinguished according to the obligation properties that cpv undertake.


  • 侵权责任因侵权行为发生而加害人依法应承担损害赔偿责任

    The tort liability is a liability for damages that should be undertaken by the injurer for the tort.


  • 在校未成年学生人身损害赔偿学校承担过错责任

    Schools only take responsibility for fault in the case of personal injury compensation for under-age students on campus.


  • 第二部分主要离婚损害赔偿责任承担基于侵权行为还是违约说来论述我国离婚损害赔偿责任承担理论基础

    The second part elaborates the basic theory that the fault should undertake the divorce damages compensating responsibility mainly from tort behavior say and breaking promise say.


  • 现实生活中大量存在加害人一定限额承担赔偿责任现象,本文称之为限制性损害赔偿

    The phenomenon that the injurer only compensates limited damages commonly exists in reality, which is called as restrictive compensation.


  • 限制性损害赔偿责任是指民事损害赔偿责任依据法律规定损害赔偿责任一定限额范围内承担金钱赔偿责任

    Restrictive liability for damages means liability for damages were only undertaken within a certain amount of money for compensation in civil liability for damages in accordance with the law.


  • 承担违约责任方式概括实际履行损害赔偿,二者之间具有可替代性

    The way to bear liability for breaking a contract can be summarized and compensation for damage and fulfill actually, possessing substitutability between the two.


  • 对于权利瑕疵担保责任承担各国不同见解,但总体上反映解除合同请求损害赔偿

    But for the rights of the liability of warrant for defects, different countries have different ideas, but in a whole it appears as rescinding contracts and claiming damages.


  • 未成年损害赔偿责任指未成年人实施加害行为致他人损害,未成年人及其监护人对受害人所应承担损害赔偿责任

    This article is on the topic of the liability of compensation for damage caused by minors, which is usually shared by the minors and their guardians.


  • 补偿性赔偿精神损害赔偿不同承担责任方式。

    It is a kind of bearing responsibility different from compensating indemnity and spiritual hurt indemnity.


  • 补偿性赔偿精神损害赔偿不同承担责任方式。

    It is a kind of bearing responsibility different from compensating indemnity and spiritual hurt indemnity.


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