The price of coal is advancing, for all the coal in market has been bought up by speculators.
The viability of this model depends on ever-growing demand, which often comes from speculative investors looking for a chance of quick capital gains.
The master was to get all this out of Leghorn free of duties, and land it on the shores of Corsica, where certain speculators undertook to forward the cargo to France.
But the auction frenzy has also sparked debate here about whether sales are artificially inflating prices and encouraging speculators, rather than real collectors, to enter the art market.
Not Vital embodies the spirit of global culture, not as an observer or as a businessman who exploits opportunities, but as a participant in each community's way of life.
A metal-roofed metropolis, Goma sits at the crossroads of conflict in eastern Congo, its population exploding with displaced villagers, soldiers, profiteers, and aid workers.
Japanese businessmen generally regard outside investors as greedy speculators rather than partners.
Japanese businessmen generally regard outside investors as greedy speculators rather than partners.