• 这座城镇被围困三个星期投降了。

    The town capitulated after a three-week siege.


  • 巴黎围困四个被迫投降

    Paris was besieged for four months and forced to surrender.


  • 马丁·邦尼特将军要求反叛分子投降

    General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender.


  • 他们怎么抵抗就投降

    They surrendered without putting up much of a fight.


  • 最终,库尔德人未做任何抵抗投降了。

    In the end the Kurds surrendered without putting up any resistance.


  • 他们已经升起白旗投降

    They had raised the white flag in surrender.


  • 叛乱者坚称不是投降

    The rebels are emphatic that this is not a surrender.


  • 他们谴责这笔交易毫无志气投降行为。

    They condemned the deal as a craven surrender.


  • 劫机者最终警方投降

    The hijackers eventually surrendered themselves to the police.


  • 他们要求无条件投降

    They demanded (an) unconditional surrender.


  • 开枪投降

    Don't shootI surrender.


  • 叛军被迫投降

    The rebel soldiers were forced to surrender.


  • 总统承认迄今为止未曾听说有任何反叛分子投降

    The president admitted that he did not know of any rebels having surrendered so far.


  • 有些以色列人绝望了他们投降

    Some of the Israelites despair, and they want to surrender.


  • 他们投降条件达成协议。

    They have agreed on the terms of surrender.


  • 敌人无法继续战斗逃跑只好投降

    Unable to fight or to escape, the enemy were forced to surrender.


  • 游击队员宁愿战斗, 也不愿投降

    The guerrillas would fight to death before they surrendered.


  • 上尉不得不我军投降

    The captain had to surrender to our army.


  • 吧,打不下去吧,跑不敌人只好投降

    Unable to fight on or to escape, the enemy were forced to surrender.


  • 最后联盟不得不投降战争1865年5月结束

    Finally the Confederate army had to surrender, ending the war in May, 1865.


  • 他们失败了,战争失败,他们被迫投降将亚速海交给土耳其人

    They lose, and they're forced to surrender Azov to the Turks after an unsuccessful war.


  • 名囚犯监狱屋顶上拒不投降

    One prisoner was still holding out on the roof of the jail.


  • 经过长时间包围这座孤城被迫投降

    After a long siege, the town was forced to yield.


  • 叛乱分子被迫投降了。

    The rebels were forced to give in.


  • 不会投降。我不会倒下。我拼命战斗。”

    "I wasn't going to give in. I wasn't going to fall. I was going to fight like hell."


  • 这个军队打算占领这座城市干脆使挨饿投降

    The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission.


  • 举起出来投降吧!

    Come out with your hands up!


  • 士兵被迫投降

    The soldiers had to yield.


  • 我们绝不投降

    We shall never yield.


  • 面临两种选择——死亡或者投降

    He was faced with two alternativesdeath or submission.


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