• 他们折扣商店购买同一品牌

    They will go to value outlets but still buy the same brand.


  • 然而这些折扣商店能否守住他们赢利之势呢?

    But can the discounters can hold onto their gains?


  • 消费者发现折扣商店的好处,欧洲此类商店通常都是家族掌控

    Consumers have sought out discount shops, which are largely in family hands in Europe.


  • 甚至经济急剧下滑之前折扣商店(美国人叫作“一元”)的生意也不错

    EVEN before the economy tanked, discount stores, or dollar stores as Americans call them, were looking healthy.


  • 街道引人注目闪亮标记宣告着高折扣商店Dollarama隆重登场。

    The brightest sign on the street announces the grand opening of Dollarama, a deep discount store.


  • 杰夫甚至证据显示一些商家开始试图取消最近秋季订单直接折扣商店发出订单。

    There's even evidence some stores have been trying to cancel orders for late fall or send what they've ordered straight to discounters like TJX Cos. , Jaffe said.


  • 然而多数折扣商店摄影器材家庭用品书籍唱片其他个人用品可以点钱

    Nevertheless, you can save money in most discount stores on such things as photographic equipment, household items, books and records and other non-personal articles.


  • 沃尔玛分部包括沃尔玛超级购物中心,折扣商店附近市场,沃尔玛山姆会员店仓库网上有。

    Wal-Mart divisions include Wal-Mart Supercenters, Discount Stores, Neighborhood Markets, and Sam's Club Warehouses and Wal-Mart also operates online.


  • Lidl并非那样不合时宜,因为中产阶级们正在改变他们购物习惯至少会去硬折扣商店购买一些基本物品

    But Lidl may not be so out of place, since middle-class people are changing their shopping habits to buy at least basic items at hard-discount stores.


  • 但是零售联盟今年十一月底折扣商店顾客很少珠宝店一些其他奢侈品商店销售额增加了。

    But the retail federation said at the end of November that discounters had fewer shoppers this year. Stores that sell jewelry and other higher-priced items have seen sales grow.


  • 一旦了解自己脚型专家推荐特定跑鞋的种类,可以通过互联网折扣商店容易找到适合自己的便宜跑鞋。

    Once you know your foot type and get a recommendation for a specific shoe, it'll be easier to find a cheaper version on your own, either on the Internet or at a discount store.


  • 特别是他们面对着来自AldiLidl超低价折扣商店竞争。Aldi和Lidl控制德国零售市场大约40%份额计划占领欧洲其他地区

    In particular they face competition from ultra-cheap discounters, such as Aldi and Lidl, which control about 40% of Germany's retail market and plan to conquer the rest of Europe.


  • 商店老板告诉一些态度傲慢的顾客的可怕故事他们走进要求折扣每一个角落炫耀他们权力

    Store owners will tell you horror stories about shoppers with attitude, who walk in demanding discounts and flaunt their new power at every turn.


  • 打算购物商店应聘的话,你还可以销售员工折扣但是不要限定了你自己

    Apply at stores where you plan on shopping to take advantage of the employee discounts, but don't limit yourself.


  • 接受者只需钱存入各自账户或者直接转售那些出售原价幅度折扣系列商店

    Recipients simply add the credit to their account or sell it on to shops that sell the Numbers at a slight discount from the original.


  • 商店提供折扣如此之甚至超过该市山上色泽柔和议会宫殿通过令人痛苦开支薪水削减

    Shops are offering colossal discounts, even bigger than the painful spending and wage cuts passing through parliament in its pastel-painted palace on the hill above the city.


  • 如一地方电子商店现金折扣如果得恰当的话

    Some places such as electronics stores will give you a cash discount if you ask nicely.


  • 零售商信誓旦旦:他们商店消费返还款,就折扣

    Retailers are promising big discounts for Americans who spend the rebates in their shops.


  • 公司同时计划推出一家美食网站一家全价男性服饰在线商店这显示出折扣销售领域之外扩张野心。

    The company plans to also launch a gourmet food site and a full-price men's online store, indicating its growth outside of discount sales.


  • 比如如果某位顾客购买婴儿食品,那么购买尿布可以享受折扣以此鼓励顾客再次光顾这家商店

    For example, someone who buys baby food might be offered a discount on nappies, encouraging her to visit the store again.


  • 我们通常折扣旧货商店购物,并且杂货时常大量优惠券

    We shop exclusively at discount stores/thrift stores and use a lot of coupons when shopping for groceries.


  • 长期客户知道这个折扣情况,很快接到商店来的电话,询问为什么本周折扣没有生效

    His regular customers knew about the discount and soon he was getting calls from stores asking why the discount wasn't in effect for this week.


  • 很多美国经营低档商品以增加销量百货商店销售增长得像蜗牛,上次衰退以来闻所未闻的;与此同时折扣的买卖却依然生意兴隆。

    Many Americans are trading down: sales at department stores are increasing at sluggish rates not seen since the last recession, while sales at discount stores are still growing briskly.


  • 沃尔玛起动专为沃尔玛商店使用的集团折扣网页,以表明通晓这种趋势

    WalMart has shown that it's hip to trends by launching its own group-discount page, specific to WalMart stores.


  • 这种散发礼卡措施锐利商店折扣更便宜,前者在去年证明是利润毁灭性打击

    Such handouts can be cheaper than sharp store-wide discounts, which proved devastating to profits last year. Expiry dates add a sense of urgency, which retailers are eager to foster.


  • 其中瞩目要数Groupon11月4日上市。公司提供在线优惠券,而其用户可以这些优惠券本地商店餐馆享受大幅折扣

    The most prominent one is the flotation on November 4th of Groupon, a company that offers online coupons to people who then use them to get steep discounts at local shops and restaurants.


  • 商店职员手动输入折扣,他就给SHEEP应用程序团队打电话找出调整没有生效原因

    While he had the store personnel manually enter the discount, he called the SHEEP application team to find out why the adjustment entry didn't take effect.


  • 商店职员手动输入折扣,他就给SHEEP应用程序团队打电话找出调整没有生效原因

    While he had the store personnel manually enter the discount, he called the SHEEP application team to find out why the adjustment entry didn't take effect.


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