When the noise remains going on, it is wise not to deal with it in an angry or retaliatory (报复性的) fashion.
The problem now is that such a retaliatory blow-out prices could continue it?
Under the influence of these factors, Sheng 50 index to a retaliatory rally trend has emerged.
Punishment can lead to a downward spiral of retaliation, with destructive outcomes for everybody involved.
These wild hares are wreaking havoc on Milan's airport. The furry creatures made their home near the airport.
China is already threatening retaliation on imports of American chicken products and auto parts.
The retaliatory attack mistakenly hit 2 homes, killing 2 women and 12 children, local officials said.
There's no doubt that bacteria like MRSA — methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus — can wreak havoc on a healthcare facility.
There were people fighting each other in the pages of the press: aggressive, personal, vindictive, often nothing to do with architecture.
Members of his team believe that tougher rules for business are necessary to cool voter anger that would otherwise result in even more vindictive measures.
Its implicit thesis is that the allied bombing campaign was a vindictive and unprovoked attack on a country that itself adhered scrupulously to the rules of war.
Unresolved revengeful emotions like resentment, jealously, bitterness and rage can skew a person's frame of mind and result in them becoming a criminal overnight.
We seem to be following the same path, and in a beggar-thy-neighbor world any country that does not participate in retaliatory policies will suffer.
The temporary cease-fire agreement does not preclude possible retaliatory attacks later.
But some foreign officials are warning the provision would spark complaints against the United States at the World Trade Organization - and possible retaliation against U.S. exports.
It vowed "a just retaliatory strike operation, not only against all the interceptor means involved, but against the strongholds" of the United States, South Korea and Japan.
Currently, retaliation suits are contributing to a wave of litigation that has employers in a panic.
Remember, your behavior is being seen by your peers and others in the organization, and you don't want to come across as too aggressive or vengeful.
The most pressing threat to the office romance, Solovay says, is the rise of the retaliation lawsuit.
It has also said that it is considering the imposition of retaliatory tariffs on American exports of car parts and chicken meat.
An international trial was initially welcomed by the rebel council and by TNC Allies as a way to avoid ACTS of revenge.
是对犹太复国主义的报复性恶毒中伤。 ……然而,我确实相信南非经验值得去借鉴。
That is a vengeful and vicious calumny against Zionism… However, I do believe that the South African experience needs to be studied.
是对犹太复国主义的报复性恶毒中伤。 ……然而,我确实相信南非经验值得去借鉴。
That is a vengeful and vicious calumny against Zionism… However, I do believe that the South African experience needs to be studied.