The vehicles include scrap cars and vehicles that are damaged beyond repair.
The vehicles include scrap 1 cars and vehicles that are damaged beyond repair.
This case involved a Maryland bounty system for old, abandoned cars (" hulks ").
This paper briefly discussed on the establishment of logistics system of reverse recovery of scrap cars.
However, the method on return and reuse of waste automobile is relatively backward in our country, just mainly focuses on material reuse.
Besides, several key problems about how to operate green take-back system of ELV are pointed out, such as take-back network, take-back model, performance evaluation, etc.
有的只是报废汽车和轮胎的废品厂,或者是重新装修个人电脑的市场,我们的工作有点像是介乎这两者之间。 大家多指教哈,我不确定。
There's either the scrap industry in which they're shredding cars and they're shredding tires and, or there's the refurbished PC market and we're sort of sit right in between both of those.
In Germany and France, the car scrappage scheme has been a key factor in boosting spending and hastening recovery.
Other measures discussed, such as introducing a car-scrapping subsidy, supporting workers on short time and improving car companies' access to finance, have reached no conclusion.
That figure, however, does not include car sales, which have been lifted markedly in a number of countries by car scrappage schemes.
That figure, however, does not include car sales, which have been lifted markedly in by car scrappage schemes.
Sascha Heiden of IHS Global Insight, a forecasting firm, thinks the scrappage schemes in Western Europe will boost sales by about 1.2m this year and reduce them by 600, 000 next year.
Sascha Heiden of IHS Global Insight, a forecasting firm, thinks the scrappage schemes in Western Europe will boost sales by about 1.2m this year and reduce them by 600,000 next year.
The battered auto sector has been helped by scrappage schemes in Europe and the United States, resulting in isolated cases of waiting lists for some models.
Like Buffett, he buys reasonably priced cars and drives them until they die, and, like Kamprad, he chooses affordable motels when traveling for work.
"Cash for clunkers" car-scrappage schemes boosted countries, such as Slovakia, with big car industries.
Most cars will be junked long before that, either because they’ve worn out or because they’ve become obsolete, so we’re building up a pent-up demand for cars.
Most cars will be junked long before that, either because they’ve worn out or because they’ve become obsolete, so we’re building up a pent-up demand for cars.