• 指导戏中戏是位经验不足英国导演,仓促之下,他决定剧组丢丛林中,扔掉剧本事先隐藏摄像机他们进行拍摄

    In short order, the unseasoned British director of the film-within-the-film decides to leave the group in the jungle, abandoning the script, and film them instead with hidden cameras.


  • 永远也没法弄清楚电影业内认识为了增加的故事被拍摄机会,你需要把你的剧本尽可能看。

    You never know who knows who in the film industry, and to improve your chances of getting your script produced, you want to expose your work to as many people as possible.


  • 人员剧本最后完成电影作品大致相若,不过电影里有很多拍摄发生的突发事情,动作很松散,很自由。

    The script for Personnel was more or less like the finished film, plus all sorts of things which happened on the way, of course.


  • 如果写出制作公司愿意拍摄的电影剧本,你就需要对“哪些体裁以前成功过,哪些体裁没有一个清楚认识

    If you want to write screenplays that production companies will want to produce, you need to have a thorough understanding of what has already been done, what worked and what didn't.


  • 电影工业一些朋友那里获得了即将拍摄的“社交网络”的初步剧本扎克伯格描绘成幼稚而且喜欢报复的家伙。

    In a draft script for the upcoming movie "the Social Network" that I obtained from sources in the movie industry, Zuckerberg is portrayed as vindictive and naive.


  • 电影剧本里,有人给了一台电脑,影片也严格按照剧本拍摄

    In the script, someone gives her a new notebook. The moment was filmed exactly in keeping with the script.


  • 一部电影剧本最终完成影片需要经历三个阶段即前期制作拍摄制作后期制作。

    A movie will go through three stages in order to get from a movie script to a finished movie. These stages are pre-production, production and post-production.


  • 开发电影剧本撰写需求类似拍摄电影和实施类似,制作电影项目管理类似。

    Developing the screenplay is analogous to writing requirements, filming corresponds to implementation, and producing the movie is more or less like project management.


  • 分镜头剧本专为拍摄而制做,上面标明了每个场景的镜头角度等等细节,导演使用。

    A shooting script is the final script that details specific camera shots for a director when the film's ready to be shot.


  • 即使优秀电影剧本必须在被拍摄出来才能自己生命

    Even the best screenplay must be produced to have a life of its own.


  • 寄来一封很棒的信,随信寄来一部做了注解电影剧本一张由签名的照片,上面是他与库珀格蕾丝·凯莉1951年正午拍摄现场穿便服拍的合影。

    I got a great letter from him with a copy of his annotated script and an autographed picture of himself with Cooper and Grace Kelly in street clothes on the High Noon set in 1951.


  • 通常情况下一天拍摄过程中剧本人员负责架设各种设备帮助布置场景。

    On a typical day's shooting, the crew will come in and rig the equipment and help put together sets.


  • 还有电影二级导演第一剧本作者拍摄途中过世

    Also, the movie's second unit director and its first screenwriter both died during the process.


  • 世上剧本千千万,真正成功拍摄电影的却是少数

    There are thousands upon thousands of screenplays out there and yet only a small percentage of them actually turn into successful, or produced, films.


  • 自己创作剧本相比而言,这位英国导演最终拍摄技巧上显得更加得心应手老练

    And he wrote himself script, by contrast, the British director finally in filming technique appear to be more handy and the experienced.


  • 作为一个电影制片人负责制作剧本拍摄

    As a filmmaker, you have to be responsible for the production of the script and shooting.


  • 拍摄电影的前期只有剧本

    In the early stages of a movie project, all that exists is a script.


  • 今天很多电影外景场地拍摄也就是说,根据剧本需要,可能城市,某村庄,可能世界任何一个地方

    Most movies today are filmed on location, that is to say, in the cities, in the countryside, and in any part of the world that the script demands.


  • 集的剧本要动35次手术——拍摄过程中,还要根据现场观众反应多次修改笑料

    Each script goesthrough three to five drafts - and often times jokes are rewrittenduring filming, based on audience response.


  • 完全中国提出拍摄并且出钱购买了PP版权接着中国再邀请美国导演编写电影剧本严格来讲这部电影中国香港拍摄的。

    It was China who offered to film it and brought the copyright for PP, and then invited American director to write the script for the movie, so technically this movie is filmed by HongKong, China.


  • 昨天纽约方面宣布,迪帕·梅塔(DeepaMehta)将担任导演,作者合作剧本改编影片预计2010年开始拍摄

    Deepa Mehta is to direct and co-write the adaptation with the author, and the film is expected to start production in 2010, it was announced in New York yesterday.


  • 很多方面可以看出,这一部传统的、可预测恐怖电影但是剧本不错而且拍摄巧妙

    In many ways, Lights Out is a conventional and slightly predictable horror movie, but it's also well written and cleverly shot.


  • 那么如果这样思路延伸到头,剧本相对于电影本身不是沦落仅仅是一个拍摄的借口?

    If you took this way of thinking far enough, don't you think you might end up using scripts merely as pretexts?


  • 拍摄电影需要太多东西数码摄像机,一个三脚架,一个剧本外加一名导演,一名摄影师位演员即可

    The making of a micro film doesn't require much: a digital video camera, a tripod and a script, plus a director, a cameraman, and a few actors.


  • 他们看到特定年龄明星出演剧本(就像这部电影),编剧也是女性通常不愿拍摄

    They look at scripts (like this one) that star women of a certain age and are written by women and usually pass.


  • 他们看到特定年龄明星出演剧本(就像这部电影),编剧也是女性通常不愿拍摄

    They look at scripts (like this one) that star women of a certain age and are written by women and usually pass.


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