• 螺旋弹簧(紧密绕组下)放置振动阻尼正确位置。

    Place coil spring in the correct position-tighter winding facing down-on the vibration damper.


  • 振动阻尼器(14)竖直(18)以及外管(18)隔开的竖直管(20)形成

    The vibration damper (14) is formed by a vertical outer tube (18) and a vertical inner tube (20), the inner tube (20) being at a distance from the outer tube (18).


  • 提出一种闭环输入整形控制方案结合了具有振动阻尼器输入整形用于抑制残留多模式灵活系统振荡

    A closed-loop input shaping control scheme, which combines an input shaper with a vibration damper, is proposed for suppressing the residual oscillations of the multi-mode flexible systems.


  • 发明涉及一种真空管路(10),该真空管路(10)包括两个振动阻尼器(14)连接管路部件(12,13)。

    The invention relates to a vacuum line (10) comprising two line parts (12, 13) connected by a vibration damper (14).


  • 高层建筑结构振动控制中,阻尼配置一个十分重要问题

    The arrangement of smart damper in tall building is a very important question for structure vibration control.


  • 计算结果表明,采用MR智能阻尼器有效的抑制闸门振动反应

    Simulation analysis results showed that semi-active control with MR smart damper was beneficial to suppressing the vibration responses.


  • 汽车模型用来研究跟踪PI控制算法MR阻尼器对车辆振动抑制性能

    The vehicle models are analyzed to study the vibration attenuation performance of the MR-damper using the semi-active force tracking PI control algorithm.


  • 根据非线性理论结合离心机转子运行实验结果分析了阻尼非线性振动

    Based on the theory of nonlinearity, the vibration characteristics of the bottom bearing damper is analyzed from the running experiment results of centrifuge.


  • 通过实验研究了该阻尼器通以不同电流对转子系统稳态振动抑振效果。

    The vibration characteristics of a rotor system with passive electromagnetic damper under different current are studied experimentally.


  • 一定参数范围内,磁流体阻尼满足振动系统不同阻尼要求

    Within some range of parameters, this kind of MR fluid damper can meet the different requirements for damping of vibration system.


  • 利用MR阻尼进行结构振动控制得到广泛应用分析中证明了良好的减振效果

    Structure installed with MR damper to control its vibration is widely applied, and its good control effect is proved in time-history analysis.


  • 粘性阻尼抑制斜拉桥拉索振动一种有效方式。

    Using supplemental viscous dampers has been an effective measure for stay-cable vibration suppression of stay-cable Bridges.


  • 计算表明流体阻尼可有效地降低结构振动反应,一种性能良好的。

    The computing results prove that the viscous damper is a high-performance structural vibration energy dissipation device.


  • 单频调谐质量阻尼器较多地用于结构振动控制中,但是频带比较

    The Side tuned mass damper (STMD) has been used more often in control of structure vibration, but its controllable frequency range is relatively narrow.


  • 提出了一种抑制桥板扭转振动调频液体阻尼器(TLCD)模型,建立了TLCD与桥板相互作用的运动方程

    A theoretical model of tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) for suppressing torsional vibration of bridge decks is developed in the paper. The TLCD-bridge deck interactive equations are formulated.


  • 利用可变阻尼连续梁桥竖向振动进行主动控制提出基于滑动模式理论的控制算法,以实例加以说明。

    This paper is concerned with semi-active control of vertical vibration for continuous beam by variable dampers and puts forward the semi-active control law based on the sliding mode theory.


  • 对挠性转子轴承系统电磁阻尼器电流位移振动控制进行研究。

    The control of the constant Phase difference between the current and the displacement of the magnetic damper in rotor-bearing system is studied.


  • 运用随机振动理论随机等效线性化理论建立安装粘滞阻尼器最大相对位移及墩顶最大位移的计算方法

    The peak relative displacement between adjacent segments and the peak pier drift are obtained based on random vibration theory and stochastic equivalent linearization method.


  • 多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)主要被用来控制结构侧向振动大跨桥梁振。

    Multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMD) are developed mainly for the purpose of suppressing horizontal motion of structures and buffeting of bridge structures.


  • 阻尼对称轴线被控结构振动方向垂直。

    Its symmetric axis is vertical to the vibrating direction of the controlled machine or structural object.


  • 这种阻尼支承磁悬浮轴承转子系统通过控制磁流变阻尼器线圈中的电流改变整个转子系统支承刚度阻尼抑制转子高速振动

    Current change in the MR damper coil can change the stiffness and damping of the whole support system, so the vibration of high-speed rotor can be suppressed by the MR damper.


  • 单频调谐质量阻尼器较多地用于结构振动控制中,但是频带比较

    The single tuned mass damper (STMD) has been used more often in control of structure vibration, but its controllable frequency range is relatively narrow.


  • 针对大型水利枢纽导流底孔弧形闸门,在闸门上布置若干MR阻尼器,采用主动控制减小振动

    Semi-active control method was proposed to reduce the vibration of certain radial gate installed with magnetorheological(MR) dampers in some key large hydraulic project.


  • 结果表明环形阻尼器一种有效扭转振动控制装置

    The results show that the Circular Tuned Liquid Column Damper (CTLCD) is an effective torsional response control device.


  • 附加耗能减振阻尼器斜拉索振动控制主要手段之一,在附加非线性粘性阻尼后的阻尼特性尚未见试验研究报道。

    Dampers have been used for vibration mitigation of stay cables; however, there are few literatures on the test of full-scale stay cable attached with nonlinear viscous damper.


  • 介绍多重调谐质量阻尼器MTMD参数优化公式,并采用两种方法车桥耦合振动桥梁竖向振动进行控制。

    Two parameter optimization formulas of multiple tuned mass dampers(MTMD)was introduced. Vertical vibration of bridge was controlled in the train-bridge coupling vibration by the two methods.


  • 采用滞流体阻尼振动较大四川化工厂房进行了结构减振设计,时分析证明了流体阻尼器的良好减振效果。

    This paper provides a general design process for applying viscous liquid damper in structural vibration control by design and research of a chemical plant building in Sichuan.


  • 本文首先回顾总结了振动控制相关理论阻尼器的研究与应用现状阐明了课题研究的背景、意义及内容。

    This paper reviews the interrelated theory about the vibration control and the present state of viscous damper. Meanwhile, the significance and contents of this paper are introduced.


  • 本文阻尼用于转子振动控制机理进行了探讨,实验研究了阻尼器的减振、增稳效果。

    The experimental results show that the resonant vibration can be good damped. It may be used in industry because of its simplicity and reliability.


  • 随着磁场频率增大,盘型磁流变流体阻尼器抑制转子振动能力减小

    Increases in magnetic field frequency decreases the capability of the dis-type MR fluid damper to reduce rotor vibration.


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