A method for extracting the beta-function and phase of the beam position monitors and the corrector magnets from the measured response matrix based on storage ring theoretical model is presented.
We have obtained the self-similar pulse amplitude function, phase function, strict linear chirp function, and thee?ective temporal pulse width.
The process of decomposing a function of time or space into a sum (or integral) of sinusoidal functions (sines or cosines) with specific amplitudes and phases.
The effect of three kinds of heating functions on the wave amplitude are emphatically discussed.
A analytic function can be derived to fit the observed amplitude value curve.
Exactly when that happens depends on the level of persistence, the overall amplitude of the Perlin function and the bit resolution of your screen (or whatever).
Based on Tchebycheff distribution and Taylor distribution, this paper presents a new amplitude distribution-normal distribution, the density function of which is used to design an antenna array.
The amplitude transmittance of one of them is assumod to be the same function as the coherent impulse response of the system, and that of the other being complex conjugate of the former.
It is pointed out that the wave function of system can be exactly solved if the perturbation only depends on the time, and the exact expression of transition probability amplitude can be obtained.
The characteristics of audio system represented by a complex transfer function include not only amplitude response but also phase response.
In this paper, the effects of the value of the Earth dynamical flattening on rigid Earth nutation amplitudes and the transfer function of non-rigid Earth nutation are discussed.
The non-relativistic approximation of wave functions and energy equation and phase shifts are also studied.
A technique used to design infinite impulse response (IIR) digital filters from the squared magnitude function of a normal analog lowpass filter is presented in this paper.
According to the equal-momentum principle, the regression relation between the diameter of the water-drop and the amplitude of the signal can be established.
Based on the temporal covariance of logarithmic amplitude, analytical expression was obtained for aperture receiving power spectrum of atmospheric scintillation of satellite-to-ground downlink.
The amplitude ratio of the mainlobe to sidelobe of window function is an important index and so is the maximal energy ratio.
Amplitude degressions with distance of single event waveform and crosscorrelation functions are much similar.
It has been proved that the OCT system behaves as a linear shift invariance system and can be described precisely by a coherent transfer function (CTF).
Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that there is an optimum value...
According to the Markov approximation under a long haul condition, we get the inter-correlation function, log-amplitude and phase covariance function.
Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that t...
In this paper the relations between the amplitudes of electromagnetic waves propagating in multilayer media and those of incident waves on surface are deduced.
Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that there is an optimum value of oi...
The expression is written as a product of a N order Bessie function, containing parameter of the laser field, times thee-H scattering amplitude without leser fi…
The expression is written as a product of a N order Bessie function, containing parameter of the laser field, times thee-H scattering amplitude without leser fi…