• 调制特性振幅调制一项重要特性。

    The modulation characteristic is an important characteristic of amplitude modulator.


  • 环形振幅调制目前常用几种调制之一

    The ring amplitude modulator is one of the most usual modulator.


  • 分析能级原子振幅调制中动量扩散模型

    In this paper the model of two level atomic momentum spread in amplitude modulated standing light wave was investigated.


  • 另外讨论了锯齿光参数振幅调制光束衍射特性影响

    Furthermore, the effect of aperture parameters on the diffraction characteristics of laser beams with amplitude modulations is also analyzed.


  • 振幅调制灰尘颗粒时功率增益出现起伏并且产生尖峰

    As the modulation of amplitude is dust particle, the fluctuation and peaks are shown in the power gain spectrum.


  • 发明提供了一种结构其中振幅调制模式频率调制模式被切换

    The present invention provides a structure in which an amplitude-modulation mode and a frequency-modulation mode are switched.


  • 提出一种新颖温度不敏感电光振幅调制保偏可变衰减器的设计方案。

    A new design for temperature insensitive electro-optic modulator and variable optical attenuator is presented in this paper.


  • 相位调制振幅调制连续变量量子密钥分发中不可缺少的调制器件。

    Phase modulator and amplitude modulator are both indispensable optical modulator in quantum cryptographic communication.


  • 载波中的信息进行压缩编码方式可以载波或周期频率调制振幅调制

    The coding used to impress information on the wave can be a function of the frequency (the number of waves or cycles per second) or amplitude of the waves or cycles.


  • 本文详细推导了振幅调制激光光源外差激光探针信号参考干涉光强表达式

    In the paper. the interference intensity of signal laser beam and the reference one is carried out in detail on a heterodyne laser probe with amplitude modulated laser source.


  • 结果表明:啁啾脉冲振幅调制深度相位扰动深度越大,则压缩后的光脉冲对比度越小;

    The influences of the SPM with amplitude modulations and phase perturbations on the compressed pulse is simulated.


  • 详细研究振幅调制型“缺陷”尺寸大小调制幅度对受调制光束分布影响

    The influence of the size and the modulation amplitude of the defects on the intensity distribution and angular spectrum of the beam is also studied.


  • 数值计算结果表明功率(能量)集中度与光阑遮拦、光束截断参数以及振幅调制位要畸变参数等有关。

    Numerical calculation results show the dependence of the power (energy) focusability on the obstruction ratio, truncation parameter, the amplitude modulation and phase fluctuation parameters.


  • 通过振幅调制半径调制位置透射以及空间位置相干长度参数改变可以获得不同形状光强分布

    Different shapes of intensity distribution can be gotten by changing the parameters of radius, location, transmittance of amplitude modulations and spatial position, and the coherence length.


  • 振幅调制分为4种方式AM(普通调幅)、DSB(抑制载波双边带调幅)、SSB(单边带调幅)、VSB(残留边带调幅)。

    Amplitude modulation is divided into 4 ways: am (amplitude), DSB (bilateral with carrier suppression modulation), SSB (single sideband modulation), VSB (VSB).


  • 提出一种适用石油测井领域高速电缆遥测通信系统基于自适应均衡QAM正交振幅调制技术的调制解调器的原理和实现方法。

    This paper proposed a modem based on adaptive equalization and QAM in oil logging for cable telemetry communication systems with high date rate.


  • 研究了匹配网络参数不变,射频电源不同调制模式反射率的影响。实验研究表明,脉冲宽度调制模式稳定度要明显高于振幅调制模式。

    When the network parameters are kept constant, the results show that the variation of reflection efficiency for PWM mode according to injection power is much less than the am mode's.


  • 结果表明:啁啾光脉冲振幅调制深度相位扰动深度越大,则压缩后的光脉冲对比度越小啁啾光脉冲的振幅调制周期和相位扰动周期越小,则压缩光脉冲的预脉冲宽度越大。

    The simulations show that more amplitude modulations and phase perturbations lead to lower contrast of the compressed pulse, and bigger modulation cycle results in wider pre-pulse width.


  • 载波振幅相位调制正在成为事实上标准迄今已占了这个新生市场大部分

    Carrierless Amplitude and Phase Modulation has emerged as the DE facto standard, having captured most of the nascent market to date.


  • 首先讨论了舰船辐射噪声产生机理构成频率特性指出螺旋桨噪声的振幅存在周期性调制

    First, the generation mechanism, components and frequency characteristic of radiated noise of naval ships are studied. There exists periodical modulation for the amplitude of propeller noise.


  • 而且,利用狭缝滤波“交叉滤波”技术能够提取出具有位调制或者具有振幅起伏波面

    And the techniques of double-slit filter and "cross-filter" can be used to extract the near field wavefront of the laser beam with phase modulation and amplitude fluctuation.


  • 光辐射调制改变光波振幅强度相位频率偏振参数使携带信息的过程。

    Modulation of light refers to changing parameters of light wave such as amplitude, intensity, and phase, frequency, polarization, etc. to make it carry message.


  • 用于无线电传输时,信号载波传送,通过改变(调制)载波的振幅频率间隔来实现。

    FOR radio transmission, inFORmation is imparted to a carrier wave by varying (modulating) its amplitude, frequency, or duration.


  • 幅度调制调制信号控制载波振幅使调制信号线性变化保持载波的频率不变

    Amplitude modulation is to control the amplitude of signal carrier and make it change linearly with modulation signals and maintain its frequency.


  • 适当选择调制振幅离子制备最佳压缩动态上,并且它们产生伴随着自发辐射的相

    Choosing the appropriate modulating amplitude, we can produce the best squeezed vibrational state of the ion and find that its generation is companied by cancellation of the emitted fluorescence.


  • 为了获得振幅均衡的有理数谐波锁模脉冲必须在原有的实验装置中添加一个掺铒光纤放大器(EDFA)提高注入调制信号功率

    For obtaining a pulse series with a small amplitude ripple, an Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) must be added into the primary experiment setup to enhance injection-modulation signal power.


  • 给出了适于分析DF B激光器稳态特性数值模型分析振幅频率调制响应特性的解析模型。

    A numerical model for steady state analysis and analytical expressions for the AM and FM modulation responses of DFB lasers are presented.


  • 本文介绍液晶电光调制超线性特性以及制作各类特殊振幅光栅色调屏上应用

    The ultralinear characteristics of a bistable liquid crystal electro-optic modulator and the use of it for making various special amplitude gratings and the halftone screen are introduced.


  • 通信仿真平台任务调幅调频单边带、二进制振幅键控、二进制频移键控、二进制相移键控、正交相移键控等通信信号调制解调进行建模计算

    The target of the communication system flat is modeling and calculating to modulation and demodulation of seven kinds of signals:AM, FM, SSB, 2ASK, 2FSK, 2PSK, 2QPSK.


  • 模拟SST变化振幅水平分布观测接近,且受太阳辐射日变化振幅水平分布调制

    The horizontal distribution of diurnal amplitude of simulated SST is consistent with that of observed SST and modulated by diurnal amplitude of solar radiation.


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