• 一个球员铲球正在跑动传球时,常常丢掉向前滚动的

    Very often a player will lose the ball forward during a tackle or just while running and receiving a pass.


  • 这个身高5尺9寸。体重245同一年里创造了67次成功传球837学校纪录

    The 5-9, 245-pounder also set school records for receptions (67) and receiving yards (837) by a running back in a season.


  • 正是鲁尼的助攻使得吉格斯破门得分,进而打破了长久以来的僵局,随后,赫尔南·德斯的传球后亲自操刀,又进一步的扩大了优势。

    They broke the deadlock when Wayne Rooney slipped in Ryan Giggs to slot home and Rooney doubled the advantage by firing in a Javier Hernandez pass.


  • 上周六中场范德萨传球一种可以适合坎普的方式。

    On Saturday, he brought down a long ball from Edwin van der Sar in the middle of the park with the kind of instant control that would have him fitting in at Camp Nou.


  • 切尔西第八十九分钟比分扩大到7 - 1,兰帕德阿内尔卡传球头球破门。

    But Chelsea made it 7-1 in the 89th minute when Lampard headed home a cross from Anelka.


  • 新泽西想让卡特完成空基德传球打在篮板上,最后没有完成进球。

    New Jersey tried an alley-oop to Carter, but Kidd's pass hit the backboard and there was no shot.


  • 兰帕德米尔纳传球差点缩小比分差距,但是诺伊尔拉姆保证德国球门不失

    From a low cross by James Milner, Lampard came close to reducing the arrears but a combination of Neuer and Lahm was enough to keep the ball out of the net.


  • 漂亮的米兰:19分钟卡卡皮尔洛传球射门多尼的精彩扑救避免了第二失球

    It was a good Milan: in the 19th minute, kaka received the ball from Pirlo and took a first time shot, a great save by Doni denying the second goal.


  • 科特迪瓦射手已经第30分钟古德扬森传球记漂亮扫射帮助球队领先第二有争议进球结束了曼城扳平的希望。

    The Ivory Coast striker had put his side ahead in the 30th minute after a good piece of link-up play with Eidur Gudjohnsen, but his controversial second ended City's chances of a comeback.


  • 荷兰球星第32分钟创造了第二粒进球,在加图索传球轻轻传给因扎吉,成就后者冷静终结

    It was the Dutch star who created the second on 32 minutes, with a neat flick on Rino Gattuso's pass to release Filippo Inzaghi for a cool finish.


  • 克劳奇比赛结束10分钟贝拉米传球头球打入致胜球。

    Crouch won the game with a header from a Bellamy cross 10 minutes from time.


  • 罗比尼奥51分钟丧失了一缩小比分的机会拉诺的传球却把球打飞。

    Robinho spurned a good chance to reduce the deficit in the 51st minute, the Brazilian firing high and wide after Elano had unlocked the United defence.


  • 古德·约翰森格雷米传球比赛29秒钟打进了第一个进球14分钟阿森纳依靠维埃拉艾杜6分钟内的粒进球反超。

    Eidur Gudjohnsen scored his first against Arsenal after 29 seconds from Geremi's cross. 14 minutes later Arsenal hit back with two goals in six minutes from Patrick Vieira and Edu.


  • 第23分钟迪福中场球员米尔纳一记巧妙传中,将塞入米尔纳此次世界杯之旅的粒有质量传球,迪福也开始有比赛的感觉。

    He tucked in on midfielder James Milner's brilliant cross in the 23rd minute. That was Milner's first real ball of quality and Defoe's first sniff of the match.


  • 第23分钟迪福中场球员米尔纳一记巧妙传中,将塞入米尔纳此次世界杯之旅的粒有质量传球,迪福也开始有比赛的感觉。

    He tucked in on midfielder James Milner's brilliant cross in the 23rd minute. That was Milner's first real ball of quality and Defoe's first sniff of the match.


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