Pull off front wire harness and loosen front ground strap cross member.
静电防护线连接于第一虚设焊盘与第二虚设焊盘之间并通过 印刷电路板连接至接地端或电源端,且静电防护线上具有电荷导入垫,其暴露于软性承载器表面。
The static protecting line connects between the first virtual solder pad and the second virtual solder pad having a charge inducting pad which is exposed at surface of the flexible loader.
To put the icing on the cake, say this vendor starts to charge someone (perhaps the merchant and, indirectly, the consumer) every time its servers are used for authentication by this client.
The big no-no is a grounded source using a referenced single-ended system.
The AC power lines and the telecommunication lines should be referenced together at the building entry point.
At both ends of conduit in non-explosion proof area, the bridging lines should welded or the earth wires should be connected with clamp.
The optimal protection for bearing current was reached by the insulation of both ends of bearing and grounding of carbon brush of motor shaft.
A referenced single-ended (RSE) measurement system, also called a grounded measurement system, is similar to a grounded signal source, in that the measurement is made with respect to earth ground.
The static contact of earthing switch is fixed on the conductive pipe of disconnector. The dynastic contact is installed on the end of earthing knife in the base.
The optimal protection for bearing current was reached by the insulation of both ends of bearing and grounding of carbon brush of motor shaf…
In such cases, the unused amplifier should be connected as a unity-gain follower (force and sense pins tied together) and the input should be connected to ground.
The input and output of the ceramic filter are tied together. The filter's center terminal (normally grounded) is connected to the current limiting resistor.
That's why a squirrel can run across an electrical line, but sadly die when its foot makes contact with the (grounded) transformer on the pole at wire's end.
A display apparatus including a circuit board and a surface grounded portion which is disposed on an end portion of the circuit board and formed of a conductive layer.
该喷墨打印头包括具有与接地结构相连 的低电压端的热敏电阻器,所述接地结构至少部分地封装热敏电阻器。
The inkjet printhead includes a temperature-sensing resistor with a low voltage end which is connected to a ground structure that at least partially encloses the temperature sensing resistor.
Instrumentation shields are to be grounded ONLY at the control panel end unless specified in project drawings.
The bow part is extended outward to form a first end and a second end which are buckled on a grounding rail respectively.
The bow part is extended outward to form a first end and a second end which are buckled on a grounding rail respectively.