Nevertheless, some governments' policymakers insist that direct controls on wages and prices, without tight monetary and fiscal policies, can succeed in decreasing inflation.
To balance staff working schedule to meet peak and slack periods and maintain a close payroll control.
America's consumer-confidence index has fallen to a 28-year low, which suggests that consumer spending will fall. This, in turn, will spur firms to cut costs and limit pay rises.
Unfortunately, because this approach fails to deal with the underlying causes of inflation, wage and price controls eventually collapse, the hitherto-repressed inflation resurfaces.
Profitability would no doubt be helped if clubs could bring wages under control.
However lower revenue growth in forthcoming seasons means clubs will have to focus on improving cost control — both wages and other operating costs — if profits are to be maintained.
In the euro zone underlying inflation and wage growth are both subdued and inflation expectations are under control.
For example, boosting wages runs counter to the goal of controlling inflation.
German workers are pushing for higher pay too, after a long period of wage restraint.
Moreover, much of Germany's renewed vigour reflects stringent control of real wages, which has secured a fall in unit Labour costs when they have been rising elsewhere.
The country's external competitiveness can be improved by holding real wage growth below that of other trading countries.
Accelerating wages will also reinforce fears that inflation will prove hard to bring down.
And since there isn't a wage-price spiral, we don't need higher interest rates to get inflation under control.
Moreover, with the possibility that the Fed could raise interest rates to control inflation -- which it may do if wages start to rise -- bonds are a bubble poised to pop.
If whoever is in charge of keeping an eye on that costly baby from Houston Control loses it, can you imagine what his bosses will say?
In Europe, although wage restraint has kept costs down and employment up, especially in Germany, it has also kept consumer spending down.
Canada's federal workers have been told that pay rises of 1.5% this year and next can go ahead as agreed, but that costs will have to be cut to fund them.
Meet all the expenses, bills, etc Controlling of expenditure, and paying of wages, etc.
Control and improve the salary system. Use the salary tool to motivate and manage the workers. Recruit workers when necessary.
Control of overtime salary's risk base on a good attendance record , overtime hour signature system and a reasonable salary structure.
They get paid well: The average annual salary for air traffic controllers was $109,000 in 2009, the latest figures available from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
He frequently called for a raise in the federal minimum wage, but he was unable to generate any support for such actions in the Republican-controlled Congress.
One minute it can generate paychecks from labor data under control of a payroll program.
As long as the public believes the Fed will act to control inflation, today's price increases are unlikely to feed tomorrow's wage claims, and a wage-price spiral can be averted.
In the cost management, take the fine management control mode, trying to reduce the cost of product, overcome personnel salary hike to bring the cost pressure.
There was widespread resentment of its controls over wages and prices.
There was widespread resentment of its controls over wages and prices.