• 提出索赔要求必须确切说出物品丢失日期

    To make a claim, you must specify the date when the article was lost.


  • 如果做不到的话我方恐怕不得不提出索赔要求

    If impossible, we are afraid we will have to present our claim for the full settlement of them.


  • 如果货物邮寄损坏了可以邮局提出索赔要求

    If the goods were damaged in the post, you can put in a claim to the post office.


  • 买方由于货物缺陷提出索赔要求时效风险转移之日起

    Damage claims by the Buyer arising from a defect are subject to a limitation period of 1 year from the date of the transfer of risk.


  • 买方提出索赔要求之后,卖方有合理权利检查任何出现货物短缺的运输系统。

    Seller shall be given a reasonable opportunity to inspect any shipment claimed by buyer to contain a shortage.


  • 如果第三指控许可非法使用侵权,被许可方立即向许可提出索赔要求

    In the event that Licensee is accused by any third party of illegal exploitation or infringement in the course of exploitation of Know-how, Licensee shall inform Licensor of the claim without delay.


  • 所有订购海运货品高品质的硬纸盒包装,如果因为包装问题买方提出索赔要求我们为此向买家作出赔偿

    All goods to be shipped against the order are to be strong sea worthy quality cartons and in case any claim is received by us from our buyer then we shall stand indemnified by you.


  • 我方立刻处理贵方提出索赔要求

    We will give your request for claims immediate attention.


  • 不论出于何种原因如果承租人离开房屋,承租人同意不得向出租方提出索赔搬迁要求

    For whatever reason, if the Lessee leaves the leased building, the Lessee agrees that he shall not claim any damages or removal costs from the Lessor.


  • 我方不得不贵方提出索赔要求贵方赔偿7000美元,加上商检

    We have to file a claim against you to the amount of $7, 000 plus inspection fee.


  • 我们在此强调向德勤提出索赔并不是因为工作过失而是要求取得我们文件

    We wish to stress that the claim against Deloitte is not for negligence but for access to our files.


  • 我方立刻料理贵方提出索赔要求

    We will give your request for claims immediate attention.


  • 不论出于何种原因假如承租人离开房屋,承租人同意不得向出租方提出索赔搬迁要求

    For whatever reason, if the Lessee leaves the leased building, the Lessee agrees that he shall not claim any damages or removal costs from the Lessor.


  • 不论出于何种原因如果承租人离开所租房屋,承租人同意不得出租方提出索赔搬迁要求

    For whatever reason, if the Lessee leaves the leased building, the Lessee a GREes that he shall not claim any damages or removal costs from the Lessor.


  • 工程索赔依据合同权利提出正常补偿要求

    Engineering claim is a normal requirement for compensation based on contract rights.


  • 我方拒绝贵方提出索赔要求因为不是我方过错

    We refuse your claim as it is not our fault.


  • 如果贵方不能规定时间发货的话,我方不得不提出索赔要求贵方赔偿保留取消合同权力

    If you can't effect delivery within the stipulated time, we will have to lodge a claim against you for the loss and reserve the right to cancel the contract.


  • 要求赔偿可以时效期限任何时间索赔提出书面说明,延长时效期限。

    The person against whom a claim is made may at any time during the running of the limitation period extend that period by a declaration in writing to the claimant.


  • 英国银行一个钞鉴别组,负责处理那些机器提出索赔要求

    The Bank of England has a team called Mutilated Ladies which deals with claims from people who fed their money to a machine or to their dog.


  • 索赔请示抗辩详细说明据以提出索赔请示要求询问损害承担责任事实

    Claims and Defenses: State in detail the facts upon which you base your claims that the PERSON asking this interrogatory is responsible for your damages.


  • 承包商进行索赔浅析浅析、管理提出有效索赔要求主要目的为了获得索赔补偿避开不应有损失保护自身权益

    The contractor analyses, manages the claim, put forward the effective complaint, its main purpose is compensating for obtaining claim, avoid unnecessary losses, protect one's own rights and interests.


  • 收到卖方提出索赔要求后,卖方在90提出解决方案。

    The Buyers claim must be settled by the Sellers within 90 days from the date of acknowledgment of receipt of the Buyers' claim.


  • 索赔有效期买方卖方合同约定要求提供商品时,买方向卖方提出赔偿要求时间期限

    Claim validity refers to the buyer to the seller is not required by the contract goods, the buyer the seller lodge a claim for compensation of the time limit.


  • 如果贵方不能规定时间发货的话,我方不得不提出索赔要求贵方赔偿损失保留取消合同权利

    If you can't effect delivery within the stipulated time, we'll have to lodge a claim against you for the loss and reserve the right to cancel the contract.


  • 如果贵方不能规定时间发货的话,我方不得不提出索赔要求贵方赔偿保留取消合同权力

    If you can't affect delivery within the stipulated time, we will have to lodge a claim against you for the loss and reserve the right to cancel the contract.


  • 第二十八监理委托人提出赔偿要求不能成立时,监理人应当补偿由于索赔所导致委托人的任何费用支出

    Article 28 if the claim made by the Supervisor to the Client cannot be justified, the Supervisor shall be responsible for any cost incurred by the Client in relation to the claim.


  • 如果卖方对于索赔内容任何异议,卖方有权接到买方索赔文件2个星期之内提出重新协商要求

    If the saler has any objection about the terms of the claims, he has the right to require the buyer to consult and discuss again in two weeks after he receive the claims documents.


  • 1998年,各州接受烟草公司25年内支付2460亿美元(但不久后每包烟价格45美分)的和解协议, 新开热血江湖sf ,同时,相应地也表示不再对烟草公司提出任何索赔要求

    The states in 1998 accepted a settlement of $246 billion over 25 years (the price of a pack rose by 45 cents shortly afterwards). In return, the states agreed to end all claims against the companies.


  • 1998年,各州接受烟草公司25年内支付2460亿美元(但不久后每包烟价格45美分)的和解协议, 新开热血江湖sf ,同时,相应地也表示不再对烟草公司提出任何索赔要求

    The states in 1998 accepted a settlement of $246 billion over 25 years (the price of a pack rose by 45 cents shortly afterwards). In return, the states agreed to end all claims against the companies.


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