Of critical importance to the introduction and commercialization of EVs and PHEVs are the electric motors which power them.
Plug-in electric hybrids give off less exhaust than gas guzzlers. And when they're running on battery power, they generate no fumes at all.
混合动力汽车又可以按技术成功实现形式区分清楚为油电混合动力汽车、插电式混合动力汽车、“起步一停车”(Start - Stop)技术汽车。
Hybrid cars and can press technology successful realization forms distinguish for hybrid electric vehicle, with plug a hybrid car, "the Start a parking" (Start-Stop) technology car.
丰田汽车(Toyota Motor Corp .)说,大约两年后将在全球销售升级版的插电式混合动力汽车。目前电动混合汽车市场上的竞争日益激烈。
Toyota Motor Corp. said it would sell its upgraded plug-in hybrids globally in about two years, amid heightened competition in the electric-and-hybrid-vehicle market.
The plug-in hybrid and could tide Toyota over until the electric vehicle market becomes big enough to profit off of it.
It's difficult to predict consumer demand for EVs, especially since there are other forms of green cars out there for consumers, such as hybrid cars and plug-in electric vehicles.
One of which is a Prius plug-in hybrid, which, unlike an electric car, doesn't require a special charging station.
Ever since, carmakers have been placing their low-emission bets more on plug-in hybrids, clean diesels or pure electric vehicles.
Industry forecasts suggest that by 2020 about 10% of new cars will be either entirely battery driven vehicles or plug-in hybrids, with accelerated growth thereafter.
BMW revealed two new electric, hybrid, and range-extended models — the BMW i3 electric car and the BMW i8 plug-in hybrid — at a special press conference in Frankfurt earlier today.
BMW revealed two new electric, hybrid, and range-extended models — the BMW i3 electric car and the BMW i8 plug-in hybrid — at a special press conference in Frankfurt earlier today.