The scientists had assumed that the guts were squished or squeezed or wobbled about like a bowl of jello in a moving car.
首先两脚分开与肩同宽站立,面向正前方,在做这个练习的时候不要移动头部和眼睛,然后缓慢地向左侧摇晃你的身体,同时抬起你的右脚跟,在做摇晃动作的时候不要去看任何东西,保持注意力集中在这个动作上 (beaware of movement mainly,这句翻译拿不准,请朋友们指正 )。
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Face the front and do not move the head nor the eyes throughout the exercise.
This huge jolt happened as the Nazca plate moved down and landward below the South American plate.
It also responds to shoulder, elbow, and advanced wrist movements (including pitch, roll, and yaw), more than ever before.
Our description on the pole shift itself describes not a single jolt when the crust stops moving but a series of jolts.
She wore wool and fur and leather, and over that she wore a coat of hoarfrost that crackled when she moved and glistened in the moonlight.
All this pushing and wobbling and bouncing lurches the earth plates, and thus they move, causing earthquakes.
All this pushing and wobbling and bouncing lurches the earth plates, and thus they move, causing earthquakes.