• 两个主要因素夏季长江及其支流特大洪水

    Two major factors contributed to devastating summer flooding along the Yangtze River and its tributaries.


  • 清特别注意其中有关集装箱车辆支流条款条件

    Particular attention is drawn to the terms and conditions therein relating to container and vehicle demurrage.


  • 由于黄浦江支流严重污染,上海浦东水源水质恶化。

    The tributaries of Huangpu River have been heavily polluted and the inlet water of Pudong Waterworks is going to deterioration.


  • 研究变量联合概率分布问题,探讨支流的丰枯遭遇分析方法。

    The research studied the joint probability distribution with two variables and analyzed the synchronous-asynchronous encounter probability of rich-poor runoff of mainstream and tributary.


  • 基于不同级别支流汇流建立了枯水期河流网上泥沙冲淤动力学模型

    Based on the confluences of the different rank streams, a dynamical model of sediment transport on river network is proposed.


  • 第二主要棉花种植区沿着密西西比河下游及其支流富饶的河滩地。

    A second major cotton-growing area lay in the rich bottom land of the lower Mississippi River and is tributaries.


  • 秋天的大水按着时令到来了,无数支流的黄河河面变得更加宽阔。

    All water from its numerous tributaries flows into the Yellow River, making it expand even wider.


  • 密苏里及其支流道道穿过地下的砂岩页岩,使这个空旷田野断裂

    The Missouri River and its tributaries have cut deep paths through underlying sandstone and shale, fracturing the open country.


  • 19世纪早期的时候,遥远库页来的当地人仍然支流满族人送来贡品

    As late as the early 19th century natives from as far away as Sakhalin were still bringing tribute to the Manchus on the lower river.


  • 勘测亚马逊河支流美国探险家戈登·麦克里奇曾记述凌晨3点就听见印第安人起身,深感愕然。

    Gordon MacCreach, an American explorer in these Amazon tributaries, reported that he was startled to hear the Indians get up at three in the morning.


  • 本文研究探讨大沽排污河及其支流沉积物上覆孔隙以及沉积物中金属的沿程分布特征

    The metals distribution of Dagu canal and its tributaries in surface water, porewater and sediment have been studied.


  • 语言一直变化条流动溪水,不停地在转换、变换,接受支流新生力量,丢弃形式

    The language is perpetually in flux: it is a living stream, shifting, changing, receiving new strength from a thousand tributaries, losing old forms in the backwaters of time.


  • 都江堰溯流而上,在岷江及其支流的上分布着30大坝,其中的16座都在近期地震中遭到了显著损坏

    The Min River and its tributaries have 30 DAMS upstream from Dujiangyan and 16 incurred significant damage from the recent earthquake.


  • 介绍了乌苏里江流域自然地理气象概况,主要支流水文特征分析了乌苏里江的洪水组成及特点

    An outline introduction to the physical geography, meteorology and hydrologic character of its main branch was presented. The combination of flood and its characteristics were analyzed.


  • 汉江上游陕西省境内的主要河流之一,干流支流的水能资源丰富,是陕西省重要的水电能源基地

    The Upper Hanjing, a major river with abundant hydropower potential in its mainstream and tributaries, is an important power production base in Shaanxi.


  • 合作联盟报告里承认确定河流源头方法多种包括河流距离海洋最远点,最大支流源头等等。

    The partnership acknowledged in its report that there were numerous ways of determining the source of a river, including the furthest point from the sea or the head of the most dominant watercourse.


  • 通过小浪底水库实测支流河道断面资料,分析了水库运用初期支流淤积形态,以及干流的淤积关系

    With the measured data of main and branch river in reservoir region of XLD project, the deposition feature in branch rivers and its relation with the main river deposition are researched.


  • 地面悬崖建筑材料制成的,芦苇间隔,而芦苇则是为了纪念这里葱郁海岸的其他支流原生植被

    The floor is made of the materials of the cliffs and the building, punctuated by reeds, in memory of the native vegetation of this and other streams of the Costa Verde.


  • 很年轻时候,任命为一个委员会的成员,调查詹姆斯河南支流水深是否足以通行大型船只

    When still a young man, he was appointed to a committee to find out whether the South Branch of the James River was deep enough to be used by large boats.


  • 我们许多成员南希shukaitis频繁提到筑坝特拉华孜孜不倦挽救特拉华河及其支流自由流动的特质

    Many of our members, such as Nancy Shukaitis, who is mentioned frequently in Damming the Delaware, have worked tirelessly to save the free-flowing character of the Delaware River and its tributaries.


  • 亲自做调查是很重要的。年轻的时候,他就被任命一个委员会的成员,去调查詹姆斯河南部支流水深是否可以通行大型船只

    When still a young man, he was appointed to a committee to find out whether the South Branch of the James River was deep enough to be used by large boats.


  • 探讨与香溪河具有相似纬度、相似河流长度流域面积,同为长江上游支流九龙河和冈曲河大型底栖动物的群落结构特征与香溪河的差异。

    The three streams had similar latitude, river length and watershed area. All were the tributaries of the Yangtse River and located in the upstream areas.


  • 随着海平面上升湄公河三角洲支流含盐水平也在升高,可能数百万贫困农民带来灾难——同时被摧毁的还有古老生活方式特·吉勒特报道

    As seas rise, salt levels in the tributaries of the Mekong River Delta are likely to spell disaster for millions of poor farmers - and an ancient way of life. Kit Gillet reports.


  • 渔民·特纳纽约德拉支流手工建造了这个V 字形石头溢流,或称鱼梁。

    Fisherman Ray Turner hand-built the V-shaped stone overflow dam, in the East Branch of the Delaware River in New York.


  • 例如,1980年海伦火山爆发,导致哥伦比亚支流产生泥石流现象。

    The 1980 volcanic eruption of Mount Saint Helens, for example, sent mud and debris into several tributaries of the Columbia River.


  • 考虑实际体积时,问题变得更加复杂支流会有多少水流流出呢?

    The questions become more complicated when actual volumes of water are considered: how much water enters and leaves by each route?


  • 据法律,长江的所有天然水道,包括主要支流和湖泊都不允许捕鱼。

    According to the law, fishing will not be allowed in all of the Yangtze's natural waterways, including its major tributaries and lakes.


  • 据法律,长江的所有天然水道,包括主要支流和湖泊都不允许捕鱼。

    According to the law, fishing will not be allowed in all of the Yangtze's natural waterways, including its major tributaries and lakes.


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