• 普通法上,收回不可流转、转让遗赠

    At common law, the right of re - entry is not alienable, assignable, or devisable.


  • 目前许多国家知识产规定作者享有收回

    Nowadays a lot of countries have provided legal protection for the authors right of retraction.


  • 预计今年丢掉房屋收回的案例超过220万。

    More than 2.2 million foreclosures are expected to have occurred this year.


  • 土地不可出卖而无收回权因为的,你们只是旅客住客。

    The land also shall not be sold for ever: because it is mine, and you are strangers and sojourners with me.


  • 这些努力无补于美国凋敝房地产市场,百般阻挠房屋收回执行只增加肃清房地产市场难度,使房价更为飘忽不定。

    None of this will help America's moribund housing market. Tying the process of repossession in yet more knots will make it harder for the market to clear and for house prices to find a floor.


  • 如果抵押贷款买房,却没有房贷,贷款合同规定,你将被取消赎回,失去房子,所以你必须偿还贷款,否则你的原始贷款人收回房子。

    If you buy a house and you don't pay the mortgage, the contract says you lose the house — you're out — you've got to pay or it goes back to the mortgage originator.


  • 通才派系愿意支付一对因为他们确信通胀压力缓解之后,他们有能力收回控制

    The generalists are willing to pay this price because they are confident that when the inflationary pressures dissipate, they will be able to regain control.


  • 那种选择不管希腊还是欧盟可能灾难性的,就算资本控制收回一部分希腊银行还是倒闭的。

    That option would be ruinous, both for Greece and for the EU. Even if capital controls were brought in, some Greek Banks would go bust.


  • 最终马里科帕那些止赎房子收回

    Eventually those foreclosed homes in Maricopa will be reoccupied.


  • 还有3.9%屋主已经“丧失房屋回赎”,这种处理逾期欠款的法律手段房屋收回以待拍卖因此使得待售房屋过剩的情况更加严重。

    A further 3.9% were in foreclosure, the legal process that settles defaults and thereby adds to the glut of homes for sale.


  • 作为基于标签访问控制(LBAC)的DB 2 Viper 2数据库角色增强一部分可以一个角色授予收回安全标签豁免

    As part of the DB2 9.5 database roles enhancement to Label-based access control (LBAC), you might grant or revoke security labels or exemptions to or from a role or a group.


  • 苏超6月22日收回转播,现在急需合同

    The SPL recalled its rights on June 22nd and needs a new contract sharpish.


  • 西弗吉亚州的议员们一直国会中推动扬言收回铁路管理议案

    Politicians from West Virginia have been pushing a bill in Congress threatens to re-regulate the railways .


  • 破产涉及改变经营,使得公民失去房屋抵押品赎回汽车收回别人管理

    Bankruptcy involves a change of management, whereby the citizen loses his home to foreclosure, his car repossessed, and thus given to another to manage.


  • 中国死刑复核程序价值死刑核准下放收回等问题备受学界关注

    Chinese death penalty review procedure values, the death penalty approval authority and the recovery of much academic attention.


  • 另一方面回收阶段必要飞行控制收回控制飞行员的手中。

    On the other hand, in the recovery phase, it is necessary to delegate the flight authority back to a manual pilot.


  • 对于采矿收回制度法律上存在空白这也直接导致一些恶性事件的产生。

    There is still vacancy in the law regarding the system of the reclamation of the exploitation right, which directly leads to some negative events.


  • 第十八条出让人对受让人依法取得土地使用合同约定使用年限届满前收回

    The grantor shall not, within the granted period provided for in this contract, withdraw the grantee's right to the use of the granted land.


  • 公司没有算出有多少房屋主将受到暂停收回丧失抵押品赎回出售影响。

    The company has not addressed how many homeowners would be affected by its suspension of evictions and foreclosure sales.


  • 一个拥有者通常愿意机器空闲时间贡献其它计算但是在他回来的时候希望马上收回使用

    An owner is generally happy to let others compute on the machine while it is idle, but wants it back promptly upon returning.


  • 希望本文研究对我国公益提前收回海域使用补偿理论实践有所裨益。

    We hope that this study can be beneficial to the theory and the practice of taking back the right to use sea area ahead of schedule for public interests and its compensation.


  • 如果新规则被采纳,那么,保有服务利和义务迫使金融公司一些资产收回资产负债表项目下。

    If adopted, things like retained interests or servicing rights could force firms to bring some assets back onto their balance sheets.


  • 受让人依法使用的国有建设用地使用合同约定使用年限届满出让不得收回

    The Assignee shall utilize the state-owned construction land use right in accordance with law. The Assignor shall not withdraw before the use term in this contract expires.


  • 2005年年底A公司收回成都公司全国总经销,由企业自主销售

    At the end of year 2005, A company re-claimed Cheng Du Company's dealership to sale product B independently.


  • 然而在近期爱尔兰一些按揭贷款提供者推出“无追索贷款它们出现违约情况下收回房产追索借款人个人的偿债责任。

    But recently, some Irish mortgage providers were offering "non-recourse" loans, which give them the right to repossess property in the event of default but not to pursue borrowers personally.


  • 土地使用收回如何地上建筑物进行补偿

    How to compensate the overground construction after retract the land use rights?


  • 该文针对目前代理签名普遍存在代理撤销难、原始签名伪造代理滥用等问题,提出一个新的可收回代理的代理签名方案

    According to the problems of proxy revocation, original signer's forgery and proxy misuse in proxy signature, a secure proxy blind signature scheme with proxy revocation is proposed.


  • 研究目的:对国有土地使用收回以及《国有土地房屋征收补偿条例》修改提出建议

    The purpose of this paper is to propose suggestion on amending the Regulations of Housing Acquisition and Compensation on the state-owned land.


  • 研究目的:对国有土地使用收回以及《国有土地房屋征收补偿条例》修改提出建议

    The purpose of this paper is to propose suggestion on amending the Regulations of Housing Acquisition and Compensation on the state-owned land.


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