• 作为阿里巴巴收购雅虎公司(YahooInc .)中国业务以来对中国雅虎网站采取调整措施之一,口碑网于2008年6月并入雅虎

    The Koubei listings service was merged with China Yahoo in June 2008, one of several moves to revamp the site since Alibaba took over Yahoo inc. 's China operations.


  • 即使顺利收购雅虎微软这样的公司所要得到的也不仅仅是覆盖范围。

    Even if the Yahoo purchase goes through, a company like Microsoft needs more than reach.


  • 雅虎网站掌握着数十万美国公民电子邮件账户个人信息数据,美国的政界监管部门允许一家中国公司收购这样一家网站吗?

    The bad: Try imagining U.S. politicians and regulators allowing a Chinese company to buy a website that includes the email accounts and personal data of hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens.


  • 鲍尔默先生微软愿进行敌意收购因为公司不想陷入争取雅虎股东斗争泥潭。

    Mr Ballmer said Microsoft was reluctant to launch a hostile bid as the firm was unwilling to get involved in a protracted fight for the support of Yahoo! 's shareholders.


  • 其中一点体现我们每个月运营的广告条数,高达15002000亿条,就是为什么雅虎收购我们公司原因了。

    One point I think we ran you know, 150 or 200 billion ads in a month and that was the point which Yahoo bought the company.


  • 雅虎一直自称数字媒体公司,所以,如果希望进一步涉足视频业务,不论能否成功收购Hulu,吉拉尔都一个不错选择

    If Yahoo, which refers to itself as a digital media company, gets deeper into video, with or without Hulu, Kilar might be a good choice.


  • 雅虎随后收购公司当时名叫Overture

    Yahoo! Subsequently acquired his firm, known at the time as Overture.


  • 现在雅虎几近绝望Facebook是一家快速成长的公司许多公司收购雅虎要买下它可得出大价钱了。

    Now Yahoo! Looks rather desperate, and will have to pay an enormous price for Facebook, a fast-growing company which many big firms have considered buying.


  • 先抛开值不值的问题不谈,你认为哪家公司真的收购雅虎呢?

    Who will, deserving or not, actually buy the company?


  • 年前,传闻雅虎出资10亿美元收购公司,被回绝了

    Two years ago, he walked away from a reported nearly $1 billion offer from Yahoo for his company.


  • 不过如果雅虎出售这些股份雅虎拥有了可观的现金储备公司可以雅虎私有化作出一些重大意义收购

    Still, if Yahoo were to sell those stakes, it would create a big cash pile, which the company could use to take itself private or make some significant acquisitions.


  • 我们假设为了收购雅虎每家公司愿意投入目前基金比例高达15%金额。

    Now let's presume that each firm is willing to commit a whopping 15% of their current fund to the effort.


  • 此举可能挫败微软公司雅虎的恶意收购至少也能迫使微软抬高收购

    The deal can at least give Yahoo more leverage to negotiate a higher bid.


  • 本月早些时候马云首次承认如果雅虎有意出售收购整个雅虎公司

    Ma has reportedly been interested in buying back that stake for some time, but earlier this month he admitted for the first time that he wants to buy the whole company if it's for sale.


  • 雅虎日前宣布CitizenSports公司达成收购协议,该公司目前众多社交网站手机平台开发体育相关应用程序

    Yahoo announced that it has agreed to buy Citizen sports, a company that develops sports-related applications for social networking sites and mobile devices.


  • 网络搜索广告公司雅虎去年夏天拒绝了微软(Microsoft)每股42美元的收购报价,现在股价已经跌到了13.11美元。

    The Web search and advertising company last summer rejected Microsoft's $42-a-share bid and its shares were trading recently at $13.11.


  • 对银湖AndreessenHorowitz公司来说,收购雅虎少数股权推动重组公司(分析师亨利·布罗·吉特的建议)可能一个更好的选择。

    And perhaps a better solution is for Silver Lake and Andreessen Horowitz to simply buy a minority stake and help reorganize the company from that position (as suggested by Henry Blodget).


  • 希望收购在线演示广告的专业公司DoubleClick(雅虎领域处于领先地位),谷歌再次捷足先登

    He wanted to buy DoubleClick, a firm that specialises in online display advertising, where Yahoo! Is the leader, but Google again pre-empted him.


  • 知情人士说,其中包括2006年雅虎(YahooInc.)提议用10亿美元收购Facebook,微软(MicrosoftCorp.)提出的用80亿美元甚至更多收购公司的初步意向。

    These include a $1 billion offer from Yahoo Inc. in 2006 and an overture from Microsoft Corp. that was worth a possible $8 billion or more, according to people familiar with the matter.


  • 正如《华尔街日报》的所言,一旦收购成功,谷歌可以获得雅虎“美国广播公司新闻网(ABCNews)等所谓的优质内容提供商”之间长期合作关系

    As the WSJ notes, Google (GOOG) would then have access to Yahoo's longstanding relationships with "so-called premium-content publishers like ABC News."


  • 雅虎360雅虎公司社交网络网站的经营不像前面几个网站那么景气,所以雅虎正在进行收购Facebook的谈判,后者正是美国许多大学生使用的社交网络网站。

    Yahoo! Has fared less well with its social-networking site, Yahoo! 360, and is now negotiating to buy Facebook, a networking site used by many American college students.


  • 微软公司首席执行官史蒂夫·巴尔默悉尼一次商业午宴上称在雅虎曾拒绝今年春天微软的收购企图已经不再留念。

    Microsoft's Steve Ballmer told a business lunch in Sydney that he had moved on after Yahoo rejected its takeover bid in the spring.


  • 一方面,有关出价更高买主收购公司的传言刺激了雅虎股价上涨

    On the other hand, concerned meeting has the buyer with higher offer a price to buy what the hearsay of the company spurred Yahoo share price to rise.


  • 微软公开报价收购网络公司雅虎

    Microsoft made a public offer to buy the Internet company Yahoo.


  • 有意收购雅虎核心资产买家提交一轮报价最后期限结束周前媒体公司宣布了这一消息。

    The announcement by the media company came as about a week ahead of a deadline for buyers to submit first round offers for Yahoo's core assets.


  • 微软公司表示成功反叛行为,是鼓励重申收购雅虎或者说是另一种谈判的方式。

    Microsoft said a successful rebellion would encourage it to renew its takeover bid for Yahoo, or negotiate another deal.


  • 雅虎公司1发表声明收到微软公司收购提议公司董事会一提议进行评估

    Yahoo company makes a statement 1 day weigh what already received Microsoft to buy offer, company board of directors will offer to undertake assessment to this.


  • 雅虎公司1发表声明收到微软公司收购提议公司董事会一提议进行评估

    Yahoo company makes a statement 1 day weigh what already received Microsoft to buy offer, company board of directors will offer to undertake assessment to this.


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