Obviously we wanna keep the radioactive material out of our environment or biosphere which basically gets into the maintenance of containment integrity.
An "anomaly" can also mean that a safety problem at a facility could have resulted in greater damage than it did or that radioactive material has been stolen or transported incorrectly.
The ideal nanocomposite would not only resist radiation damage. It would also not itself become radioactive by absorbing neutrons.
Recognize that measures contributing to nuclear material security have value in relation to the security of radioactive substances and encourage efforts to secure those materials as well.
No one knows how neutrinos could interact with radioactive materials to change their rate of decay.
So they canconsume many of the long-lived radioactive materials that thermal reactors cannot.
The plant's operators responded incorrectly to the situation and stopped cooling the reactor, which overheated, suffered damage, and released radioactive material inside the plant.
A shipment of bomb-grade uranium arrived at a secure facility in Russia on Monday, sent from a research reactor in Poland as part of a race to secure dangerous radioactive material around the world.
The unnamed enthusiast brought radioactive materials, as well as a Geiger counter which he ordered from the United States.
And that larger amounts of other radioactive material, from discarded X-ray machines to spent fuel, might be used to make a dirty bomb.
And we will work with industry and hospitals and research centers in the United States and around the world, to recover thousands of unneeded radiological materials so that they can never do us harm.
The radioactive material should be stored in a special radiation-proof container.
Work involving the use of dangerous substances i. e. radioactive material and explosives.
More work remains to be done to prevent non-state actors from obtaining nuclear and other radioactive materials, which could be used for malicious purposes.
The adsorptive capabilities of mineral materials for radionuclide Sr, Cs were investigated on the ground of basic physics and chemical properties.
A radioactive isotope of cobalt with mass number '0 and exceptionally intense gamma-ray activity, used in radiotherapy, metallurgy, and materials testing.
The radioelement content of certain material is higher, when its intensity and radiation dosage exceed certain limit, can cause a harm to human body.
The stone-coal related building materials, such as stone-coal slag, stone-coal bricks, contain high radioactive pollution.
Sources of this include the medical use of radioactive materials, fallout and contamination from nuclear industry, and the storage and dumping of radioactive waste.
The specific activities of natural radionuclides in import granites of different producing area and different varieties have biggish differences with those in normal building materials.
In this paper, radioactive pollution derived from the stone-coal related building materials of our country is analyzed.
Illicit trafficking of nuclear materials and other radioactive materials will result in serious threaten to society in the case of nuclear and radiological terrorism.
But information about the radioactivity of these materials in Egypt is limited.
Because we know how fast radiocarbon decays, we can figure out the age of the organic material.
The corrosion behavior of A3 carbon steel is studied by the specimens that are exposed to atmosphere, embed in cement solidified form or immersed in corrosion liquid.
Need to run infection tests with dangerous influenza strains or work with radioactive lab materials?
Need to run infection tests with dangerous influenza strains or work with radioactive lab materials?