结果:X线平片清楚显示多中心骨肉瘤病灶, 放射性核素显像骨扫描可见肿瘤灶核素浓集。
Results The multifocal of osteosarcomatosis were clearly depicted by X- ray plain film, and the radionuclide concentration of tumor foci could be seen on radionuclide images.
结果:X线平片清楚显示多中心骨肉瘤病灶, 放射性核素显像骨扫描可见肿瘤灶核素浓集。
Results The multifocal of osteosarcomatosis were clearly depicted by X- ray plain film, and the radionuclide concentration of tumor foci could be seen on radionuclide images.