• 然而根据国家海洋大气管理局海洋废弃物方案海啸产生的碎片放射性物质污染非常不可能的。

    However, it's highly unlikely the tsunami-generated debris would be contaminated with radioactive material, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Marine debris program.


  • 法国电力公司发言人,23日法南部一个反应堆管道发生泄露,造成该公司100名工作人员轻微放射性物质污染

    Radioactive particles spewed from a pipe at a nuclear reactor in Tricastin of southern France Wednesday, slightly contaminating 100 employees, said a spokeswoman for electric company EDF.


  • 核爆炸释放出高能量的,破坏力巨大压力而且四处飘散放射性物质污染周围英里内的空气,和地表

    A nuclear blast is an explosion with intense light and heat, a damaging pressure wave, and widespread radioactive material that can contaminate the air, water, and ground surfaces for miles around.


  • 林克斯教授表示,科学家可以使用电脑快速模拟什么地方放射性物质影响,然后计算出受污染区域大小

    Professor Links says scientists can use computers to quickly model where radioactive material has blown and settled. Then they measure how large an area is contaminated.


  • 调查结果表明日本生产某些食品可能因受到放射性物质污染而不适于人类消费

    Answer: The findings suggest that some foods produced in Japan are likely to be contaminated by radioactive material at levels unsuitable for human consumption.


  • 作用不是用来遮挡放射性排放而是阻止放射性烟尘其它物质释放以及遮挡雨水以防止雨水携带污染流入地下水。

    Its purpose is not to shield radioactive emissions but to prevent the release of radioactive dust and other materials, and to keep out rainwater, which could carry contaminants into the water table.


  • 根据迄今报告数据放射性主要污染而且一些食物样本检测到的放射性物质已经超过日本规定水平

    According to data reported so far, radioactive iodine is the main contaminant and concentrations in some food samples have been detected at levels above the Japanese regulatory limits.


  • 河流的沉淀物中含有大量放射性物质这些放射性物质暴风雨洪水冲上河滩,使那里的土壤成为放射性污染源之一。

    Its sediments remain highly contaminated and tainted floodplain soils that wash up during storms and floods have now become a source of radioactive materials.


  • 出现突发事件早期阶段如果这样安全的话,那么通过下列措施就可能预防或者尽量减少放射性物质食品造成污染

    In the early stages of an emergency, and if it is safe to do so, it is possible to prevent or minimize the contamination of food by doing the following.


  • 目的确定气体组分气溶胶放射性物质温度湿度微生物6污染要素潜艇舱室空气质量评价所占的权重。

    Objective: to define the weights of 6 main influencing factors, i. e. gas components, aerosol, radioactivity, temperature, humidity and microbial pollution in submarine cabin air quality.


  • 企业周围有害气体烟尘灰尘放射性物质其他扩散性污染

    There shall be no harmful gas, soot, dust, radioactive substances or other diffusible sources of pollution around the enterprise.


  • 铀矿尾气排风口周围土壤放射性物质的累积性污染不容忽视,但目前处于监测和积累数据阶段。

    This paper is inclined to bring about its own improved exponential smooth forecast model for the radioactive pollution forecast in the soil of crop-fields near a uranium mine exhaust outlet zone.


  • 研究野外放射性污染淋洗程度进行模拟物的淋洗实验,结果初步表明相当一部分放射性物质被淋

    Leaching experiment with simulative material was carried out in order to study the leaching degree of field radioactive pollutant by rainwater and snow.


  • 利用公众健康危害评价方法,计算了一个较典型燃煤电厂气载释放的化学污染物质放射性物质对人体产生的健康危害。

    Based on the public health risk evaluation method , the health risks due to thegaseous effluents of chemicals and radionuclides from a typical coal-fired power plant are evaluated.


  • 禁止限制污染食品饮用水生产加工流通食用避免减少放射性物质摄入

    Manufacturing, processing, circulation and consumption of contaminated food and drinking water shall be banned or limited, so as to prevent or minimize the intake of radioactive substances.


  • 还有大量污染核电站泄露出去,没有确切知道怎样处理里面提取出来的放射性物质

    There's a whole lot of contaminated water still leaking out of the power plant, and no one's quite sure how to get rid of the radioactive tritium they're extracting from it.


  • 还有大量污染核电站泄露出去,没有确切知道怎样处理里面提取出来的放射性物质

    There's a whole lot of contaminated water still leaking out of the power plant, and no one's quite sure how to get rid of the radioactive tritium they're extracting from it.


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