However, it's highly unlikely the tsunami-generated debris would be contaminated with radioactive material, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Marine debris program.
Radioactive particles spewed from a pipe at a nuclear reactor in Tricastin of southern France Wednesday, slightly contaminating 100 employees, said a spokeswoman for electric company EDF.
A nuclear blast is an explosion with intense light and heat, a damaging pressure wave, and widespread radioactive material that can contaminate the air, water, and ground surfaces for miles around.
Professor Links says scientists can use computers to quickly model where radioactive material has blown and settled. Then they measure how large an area is contaminated.
Answer: The findings suggest that some foods produced in Japan are likely to be contaminated by radioactive material at levels unsuitable for human consumption.
Its purpose is not to shield radioactive emissions but to prevent the release of radioactive dust and other materials, and to keep out rainwater, which could carry contaminants into the water table.
According to data reported so far, radioactive iodine is the main contaminant and concentrations in some food samples have been detected at levels above the Japanese regulatory limits.
Its sediments remain highly contaminated and tainted floodplain soils that wash up during storms and floods have now become a source of radioactive materials.
In the early stages of an emergency, and if it is safe to do so, it is possible to prevent or minimize the contamination of food by doing the following.
Objective: to define the weights of 6 main influencing factors, i. e. gas components, aerosol, radioactivity, temperature, humidity and microbial pollution in submarine cabin air quality.
There shall be no harmful gas, soot, dust, radioactive substances or other diffusible sources of pollution around the enterprise.
This paper is inclined to bring about its own improved exponential smooth forecast model for the radioactive pollution forecast in the soil of crop-fields near a uranium mine exhaust outlet zone.
Leaching experiment with simulative material was carried out in order to study the leaching degree of field radioactive pollutant by rainwater and snow.
Based on the public health risk evaluation method , the health risks due to thegaseous effluents of chemicals and radionuclides from a typical coal-fired power plant are evaluated.
Manufacturing, processing, circulation and consumption of contaminated food and drinking water shall be banned or limited, so as to prevent or minimize the intake of radioactive substances.
There's a whole lot of contaminated water still leaking out of the power plant, and no one's quite sure how to get rid of the radioactive tritium they're extracting from it.
There's a whole lot of contaminated water still leaking out of the power plant, and no one's quite sure how to get rid of the radioactive tritium they're extracting from it.