The multiple tracer approach addresses the complexities of transport at the site and differentiates various municipal, industrial and radioactive waste sources.
Continuing, and you have all kinds of releases from subsystems or components typically in the radwaste area where you might be able to drop a fuel assembly so all this has to be analysed.
The illegal dumping in the region of barrels of radioactive waste from European hospitals and factories, which has also been reported, has probably been similarly deterred, if it was taking place.
A worker measures the radioactivity of drums containing waste at Yonggwang nuclear power site south of Seoul, one of Korea's young fleet of nuclear generating stations.
Nuclear energy is less polluting than gas from a climate-changing perspective, but it is costly and viewed skeptically in the United States because of the dangers of disposing of radioactive waste.
This Law shall not apply to the prevention and control of Marine environmental pollution by solid waste or of environmental pollution by radioactive solid waste.
Engaging in activities for the storage or disposal of solid radioactive waste without a licence or at variance with the relevant provisions of the licence is prohibited.
Objective to test the imported material radioactivity, prevent surpass-criterion materials from trans - mitting into our country, protect the environment and people safe.
The research concerns in the data analysis and detection efficiency calculation based on Monte-Carlo method for non-destructive assay radioactive waste measurement instrument.
Table S-3 contained a set of numerical values intended to quantify the radiological effluents associated with reprocessing, storage, and disposal of spent fuel and other wastes.
This paper describes the application, features, use limitation, use process and applied examples of AMBER software used for safety assessment of radioactive waste disposal system.
It is of very important significance to understand unsaturated water vadose through two layer porous media in design of cover of near surface repository of radioactive waste.
The Beijing radwaste repository is the first one constructed for collecting and temporarily storing radioactive wastes originated from applications of nuclear technology.
In particular, it aims to keep Antarctica free from nuclear tests and radioactive waste, to promote international scientific projects; and to end arguments about who owns the land.
The experiment results show that the maximal adsorption rate of uranium in the soil of the primary election nuclear waste disposal field is 54.75%, but adsorption properties are not so good.
Some wastes have been produced in the uranium hydrometallurgy process, and the radionuclide in the wastes has long-term potential harms to the surface water and groundwater.
The stainless steel compaction head makes it ideal for decontamination of low-level radioactive waste or chemical waste that would take paint off of carbon steel.
DRW in China has been relatively poorly studied and work needs to be improved in such aspects as site selection standard series, experimental techniques and modeling approaches.
The studies on physiochemical behaviors of radionuclides on solid-water interface are of importance for the performance and safety assessment of high-level radioactive repository.
DRW in China is relatively poorly studied and works need to be improved including site selection standard series, experimental techniques and modeling approaches.
DRW in China is relatively poorly studied and works need to be improved including site selection standard series, experimental techniques and modeling approaches.