• 然而乡村生活独特的魅力可以帮助下来使真正放松

    However country living has its unique charm that helps you slow down and relax.


  • 如果生活压力之中,通过工作之余朋友放松来使自己冷静下来。

    If you lead a stressful life, try to chill out by relaxing with friends after work.


  • 通过学习冥想获得许多好处,包括:放松精力甚至生活新看法。

    By learning to meditate, you can reap the benefits of this body state which include relaxation, energy and perspective on your life.


  • 不断的练习下,形成放松专注之间自由转换这种让人敬佩能力——这不仅有助于睡眠还可以任何时候缓解生活中的压力

    With practice, you'll develop the esteemed ability to relax and center — not just to calm the mind for bed but any time the stresses of life are closing in.


  • 毕竟如果可以自己高效工作而后又全身心的放松为什么这种习惯带到生活中去呢?

    After all, if you can teach yourself to be maximally efficient and relaxed in the workplace, why wouldn't you also replicate this at home?


  • 如果是个虚无主义者,那么放松开始寻找答案,“没有人生目标”或者生活毫无意义”的想法必须暂时抛弃。

    If you're a nihilist, then feel free to start with the answer, “I don't have a purpose,” orLife is meaningless,” and take it from there.


  • 一旦成为一名成功单身汉就会明白单身生活人情绪放松

    Once you've become a successful single, you will appreciate being able to be emotionally relaxed.


  • 唯一解决方法就是锻炼身体放松成为每天日常生活一部分,当想到他们的时候,绝不会犹豫一下

    The only solution is to make exercising and relaxing the mind a part of your daily routine in such a way that you don't get a chance to second guess yourself.


  • 可能会觉得的生活已经被会议大大小小的事情充斥,根本没有时间放松--那错了

    You may think that your day is too jam-packed with meetings and events to find the time for relaxation…and you’d be wrong.


  • 充分放松修养,也就意味着能够从全新角度来审视自己工作日常作息学习或者生活节奏

    Your more rested self is a good thing and gives you an opportunity to take a renewed perspective on your work, routine, study, or home life pace.


  • Leo向我们提供一些聪明方法,令生活放松简化,也令节奏放慢不过也许仍然感到这些方法难以执行。

    Leo has given us some wise ways to relax, simplify, and take life more slowly, but you might still find it tricky to always put these Suggestions to use.


  • 日复一日压力生活琐碎纠缠着试试明星方式放松吧。

    Don’t let the day-to-day pressures and hassles of life get to you.Unwind celebrity style.


  • 放松!设定许多种类东西或者否定一起生活使用东西所有权仅仅是为了物品清单降到100以下的意义是什么?

    Relax! What's the point of creating bulk categories of Stuff or denying the ownership of something that you're living with and using just to get your list of possessions down to 100 things?


  • 读书暂时逃离现实生活一种方式,阅读一能够放松或者暂时能够忘掉生活压力的书。

    Books are a great escape from reality. Find a book which helps you relax or at least get your mind off of life's stresses.


  • 重要认识忙碌的、排满了日程表的生活替换较慢的、放松步调你的生活变得更好

    The most important step is a realization that life is better when you move at a slower, more relaxed pace, instead of hurrying and rushing and trying to cram too much into every day.


  • 如果完美主义者无论发生什么应试放松自己宽以待人,享受一天生活

    If you're the one who wants everything to be perfect, try to ease up on yourself and everyone else so you can enjoy the day, no matter what happens.


  • 如果完美主义者无论发生什么应试着放松自己宽以待人,享受一天生活

    If you're the one who wants everything to be perfect, try to ease up on yourself and everyone else so you can enjoy the day, no matter what happens. Make the best of the situation.


  • 放松一下自己,需要的可不仅仅一个前途光明的事业,需要的真正生活价值意义的一切,不要斤斤计较一些琐碎的问题,也不要过于计较财政上的影响。

    You need more than a great career. You need enough of what truly makes your life worth living, however frivolous and financially impractical that turns out to be.


  • 不仅需要满足自己野心还要使生活更加平衡,所以既要工作,也要娱乐放松

    You have ambitions to fulfil but you also need to lead a more balanced life, with play and relaxation as well as work.


  • 如果生活稳定的、一成不变的、不断重复的,那么需要间歇性地打破自己得到一定放松自由

    If your life has a very stable, repetitive quality and routine, you need periodic breaks from this to loosen up and let yourself be spontaneous and free.


  • 人们容易感到自己不该这段无业时光享受生活花在放松上的时间实际上精神焕发帮助管理情绪无业压力

    It's easy to feel that you don't "deserve" to enjoy unemployment, but taking time to relax will actually revitalize you mentally and help manage the emotions and stress of unemployment.


  • 当然所有需要运动只是这些品种后者愿意放松一下不时,如果生活方式活跃他们可以更容易地调整

    Of course all dogs want and need exercise, it is just that these latter breeds are more willing to veg out from time to time, and if your lifestyle is less active they can more easily adjust.


  • 我们诠释的这种和谐就是要实现真正豪华舒适家居生活带给一个放松心情,真正现代惬意

    We hope these furniture can bring you luxury and comfort and relaxation life and good mood, for you, it's a real modern and cozy home.


  • 日常生活找到使自己放松办法有助于在内心营造片宁静之地因而面临充满压力情况就能更好处理

    Finding ways to relax in the course of your everyday life helps you build a calm place inside yourself, so that when a stress situation occurs you'll be better able to handle it.


  • 了,既然我们一点交代清楚了,那么可以放松,然而着手来处理生活充满注意力需求世界中的这一现实情况。

    Good. Now that we've cleared that up, you can relax and deal with the reality of living in a world packed with attention demands.


  • 时间行走之后,坐在色彩斑斓石头上,让得到一些放松。喝着软饮料喜欢一起交谈发现生活就是这样简单

    Sit on these colorful rocks, relax your feet after long time walking, have some soft drinks, talk with someone who you want to talk with, you will know life is easy in this way.


  • 经过段时间辛苦工作不停忙碌着满足生活的需求,母亲也许最需要就是一个放松的假日。

    After a period of hard work and keeping up to the demands of a busy life, the least our mothers deserve is a long sought after holiday.


  • 放松事情出现他们斥责时,生活轮流得更好

    Relax! When things appear at their bleakest, your life is just about to take a turn for the better.


  • 放松事情出现他们斥责时,生活轮流得更好

    Relax! When things appear at their bleakest, your life is just about to take a turn for the better.


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