Agile methodologies that rely on emergent design try a different approach.
There are many other Agile methodologies that we could discuss regarding their applicability to large projects.
They are sometimes referred to as "methods" but it's more accurate to recognize that the practices can be constituents of the broader Agile methodologies.
Like many agile methodologies, Jacquard recommends iteration as a means of refining the work product.
I recommend that you become familiar with the fundamentals of agility and several Agile methodologies in order to help you decide what practices best suite your needs.
Because it's often mentioned as one of the pillar techniques in agile methodologies, refactoring is interpreted as working only for teams adhering to these principles.
But the methodology still seemed to be the province of consultants who congratulated one another for bringing agility to the masses for another year.
It has also caused many organizations to adopt new practices and claim they have achieved Agility according to the methodologist's interpretation.
I think the same approach works when we try to adapt any methodology to a project and organization, including the application of Agile techniques.
As the conversation about the growing trend to take on agile methodology without really taking the whole methodology on continued, the topic of Kanban arose.
This has led to lucrative markets for Agile coaches, consultants, methodologists, and others who want to help an organization become Agile and adopt the consultant's flavor of Agility.
很多其他原则与其他敏捷开发方法学是相通的,例如频繁迭代(frequent iteration)。
Many of the other principles are shared with other agile development methodologies, such as frequent iteration.
Responding to a question on the role of code generation in projects where Agile and Lean software development methodologies like Scrum, XP, or Kanban are being used, Jack said.
他的书,AgileandIterativeDevelopment:aManager ' sGuide(《敏捷和迭代化开发:项目经理指南》),Addison - Wesley, 2003,提供了四种方法学的精彩对比。
And his book, Agile and Iterative Development: a Manager's Guide, Addison-Wesley, 2003, offers a wonderful comparison of four methodologies.
The framework transforms traditional design mode, provides maximum flexibility and agility for product development by advantaged design methodology and simulated support technology.
The framework transforms traditional design mode, provides maximum flexibility and agility for product development by advantaged design methodology and simulated support technology.