• 硬件基础,对所涉及理论论述包括探测声纳信号波形选择数字信号采样、处理原理与方法

    On the base of hardware approach, to discuss all the theory involve in active detecting sonar system, including the selection of signal waveform, digital signal sampling, digital signal processing.


  • 随机噪声数字信号处理具有重要实用价值,噪声产生具有指定概率分布伪随机噪声的基础

    The pseudo-random data are widely applied in digital signal processing. White noise data is the basis of generating random data, which has the expected probability distribution.


  • 数字信号处理电子信息专业的一重要专业基础

    "Digital Signal Processing" electronic information is an important professional basic course.


  • 速率数字信号处理理论基础给出了具有计算复杂度实现方案

    An implementation method with low computation complexity (number of computation needed per unit time) is given based on multirate digital signal processing theory.


  • 数字信号处理无损检测理论基础分析了焊接过程电流信号频谱影响

    On the basis of digital signal process and nondestructive testing, the effect of welding process on the frequency spectrum of the current signal in AC spot welding is analyzed.


  • 空间估计测向一种多元天线结合现代数字信号处理基础新型测向技术

    Spatial spectrum estimation technique is a new direction-of-arrival estimation technique based on multielement array and modern digital signal processing theory.


  • 本文在测数字信号处理技术要求基础讨论了如何具体的实现多普勒频率风速的计算。

    The article discusses how to realize the Doppler frequence and the speed of the wind based on the Doppler wind lidar technical requirements of Digital signal processing.


  • 脉冲多普勒数字引信基础详细设计了可编程脉冲发生器数字接收机数字信号处理

    In the basis of pulse Doppler digital fuze, the programmable pulse generator, digital receiver and digital signal processor are designed in detail.


  • 本文课题研究小组近年来取得研究成果基础进一步数字信号处理技术现代电子技术引用表面运动检测中

    Based on the research achievements obtained by our task team recently, this dissertation further employed digital signal processing and modern electronic technology into surface movement measurement.


  • 本文高压脉冲真空闪络实验平台基础侧重于对采集纳秒脉冲信号后期数字信号处理

    This thesis is based on the platform of the high voltage nanosecond pulse flashover in vacuum experiment and focused on the later digital signal processing to the sampled nanosecond signal.


  • 分析与总结传统功率因数测量方法基础上,提出了基于数字信号处理(dsp)技术的功率因数测量方法

    By analyzing the conventional power factor measurement methods, a new measurement method of power factor based on DSP technology is proposed.


  • 我们从事的行业-数字信号处理(dsp)技术当今高科技信息产业的技术基础

    Digital Signal Processing (DSP) that we are engaged in, is base for high technology.


  • 基础上,研究了基于TMS320F 240数字信号处理数字控制三相桥式逆变器实验样机系统

    Based on this, the experimental model system of the inverter, which is controlled by DSP of TMS320F240, is researched.


  • 雷达数字接收机理论基础采样理论、信号正交变换、多速率信号处理以及高效数字信号处理算法

    The theoretic of radar digital receiver are sampling, signal orthogonal transform, multirate digital signal processing, DSP algorithm with high efficiency, etc.


  • 本文数字信号处理理论基础上,通过电压电流信号特性的分析,研究了新的计算电压和电流有效值体系结构

    On the basis of the digital signal processing theory and the characters of voltage and current, the system structure of a kind of new voltage (current) RMS calculator is proposed.


  • 本文传统相位激光测距原理基础上,提出一种直接数字频率合成(DDS)技术数字信号处理(dsp)技术相结合的新的相位激光测距方法。

    Based on the principle of phase laser range finder, a new method of utilizing Direct Digital Synthesizes (DDS) technique and Digital Signal Process (DSP) technique is proposed in this paper.


  • 利用DSP处理实现超声波收发控制基础充分发挥DSP的数字信号处理能力测量流速信息

    On the basis of using DSP processor to realize the ultrasonic transceiver control, it makes full use of DSP digital signal processing capability to measure the velocity information.


  • 本课题扩频通信理论基础结合目前广泛使用的数字信号处理芯片DSPFPGA研究区域无线电导航系统接收机数字信号处理平台。

    Based on the spread spectrum communication theory, combine digital signal-processing chip DSP and FPGA, this article researches and designs the receiver system for regional radio navigation.


  • 其中,数字信号处理技术数字图像处理技术是实现基于多目标识别自动乘客计数技术的前提与基础,多目标检测与跟踪计数算法技术实现与应用核心。

    Technologies of digital signal processing and digital image processing are the basis of APC, and multi-objects detecting and tracking algorithm is the essential factor to implement it.


  • 其次TI公司DM642数字信号处理基础介绍特有的数字视频口,视频口是一种双向高速并行处理接口

    Then based on the digital signal processor DM642 of TI company, the paper introduces its own digital port. The video port is a bidirectional, high-speed and parallel processing port.


  • 本文介绍了一种高速DSP数字信号处理基础冲击振动测试系统

    An integrative shock and vibration measurement system based on high-speed DSP processor is introduced.


  • 数字信号处理(dsp)为基础数字信号处理技术正在迅猛发展,现已广泛应用图像处理技术、控制通信许多技术领域

    Based on digital signal processor, DSP technology has been developing rapidly. Nowadays, it has been used in many new technology fields, such as image processing, control, telecommunication and so on.


  • 这些复数变换数字信号处理理论基础

    These complex transforms are the foundation of theoretical DSP.


  • 基于高速数字信号处理微光视频图像处理硬件实现方案研究基础上,重点系统软件进行了研究和设计。

    On the base of the study about the hardware-realizing scheme of low-light-level video processor centered about DSP, the system software is designed primarily on this thesis.


  • 数字信号处理技术基础上,本文数字交流永磁同步电机伺服驱动器进行了较为深入全面研究

    Based on technology of digital signal processing, the paper has done thorough and comprehensive research on full digital AC PMSM servo control system.


  • 基础采用高速数字信号处理DSP)、大规模现场可编程阵列FPGA实时软件进行系统设计,完成原理样机研制

    On this basis, a prototype is developed with a high speed digital signal processor (DSP), huge field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and real-time software.


  • 基础采用高速数字信号处理大规模可编程逻辑阵列实时软件进行系统设计,完成原理样机研制

    On this basis, the principle prototype is developed with high speed digital signal processor (DSP), the huge reprogrammable logic gate arrays (FPGA) and real-time software.


  • 信号采样模拟信号数字信号转换第一步,数字信号处理奠定基础

    All-optical sampling is a fundamental part in the structure of the analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) processing, which is necessary for digital signal processing.


  • 采用数字信号处理构成电力电子应用平台,使系统运算能力运算速度得到了很大提高,为复杂程序设计奠定基础

    This power electronic control system which bases on DSP greatly increased the operational ability and speed, it laid the foundation of complex course programming.


  • 采用数字信号处理构成电力电子应用平台,使系统运算能力运算速度得到了很大提高,为复杂程序设计奠定基础

    This power electronic control system which bases on DSP greatly increased the operational ability and speed, it laid the foundation of complex course programming.


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