(在此量级的项目中,如果您不愿意着眼于数据仓库总体拥有利益(total benefitofownership,TBO)和总体拥有成本(totalcost of ownership,TCO),那么您倒不如现在就停止!)
(On a project of this magnitude, if you're not willing to look at both the total benefit of ownership (TBO) and total cost of ownership (TCO) for the warehouse, you might as well stop now!)
上面的两个模式都提高了语义互操作性和数据质量,可保证数据服务的服务水平协议(Service - Level Agreement,SLA),而且降低了总体拥有成本(TCO)。
Both patterns improve semantic interoperability and data quality, guarantee the service-level agreements (SLAs) of data services, and reduce total cost of ownership (TCO).
The outstanding features of C1200/C2100 can be highlighted as easy administration, highest performance, complete streaming media support, unlimited scalability, and low TCO.
The outstanding features of C1200/C2100 can be highlighted as easy administration, highest performance, complete streaming media support, unlimited scalability, and low TCO.