• 1聚合功能包含了这种功能;目的提供语义上相关数据

    This function is included in the aggregation function in Figure 1; its purpose is to present only data that is semantically relevant.


  • 报告中的一张,从中可以得到一些相关数据中可以看到单位劳动力成本工资劳动生产率之间的关系。

    You can see some of the figures from the report in the chart at right, where unit Labour costs are broken down into the contributions from wages and productivity.


  • 开发者测试人员经理都可以通过来搜索这个数据浏览器中查看相关序列

    Developers, testers and managers can search this database by use case name and view the related sequence diagrams in a browser.


  • 分散化方法可以结合复合格式数据例如客户ODS相关契约文档或是相结合。

    The decentralized approach can combine mixed format data, such as customer ODS with related contract documents or images.


  • 向导识别出所使用模式联的数据参见9)。

    The wizard recognizes the pattern used and the associated data (see Figure 9).


  • 1显示了一个名为manufacturing数据目录组织所有与生产相关数据模型诸如订单订单状态

    Figure 1 shows a data catalog called manufacturing for organizing all manufacturing-related data models, such as orders and order status.


  • 24使用6位海关关税明细表数据数据包括光伏太阳能(8541.40)相关电子其他元件。

    Data used in FIGURES 3 and 4 use broader, six-digit HTS data and include electrical and other componentry that are associated with photovoltaic solar panels (8541.40).


  • 如果4发现显示红色这指示了一个错误尽管NF按钮相关NFInput方法接受了数据

    If you look at Figure 4 again, you'll see that the values are in red, indicating an error, even though the NFInput method associated with the NF button accepted the data.


  • 1使用DSDriver提供应用程序相关驱动程序应用程序可以各种IBM数据通信

    Figure 1 shows that multiple applications using the application-specific drivers that are shipped as part of the IBM data Server driver Package can communicate with various IBM databases.


  • 温室气体排放管理相关资料包括生产流程能源流程、以及温室气体资讯流程数据覆盖时期一般不低于

    The relevant to the emission file of greenhouse gas, include the production flow chart, energy flow chart, and information flow chart of greenhouse gas which must cover over one year.


  • 通过研究地质剖面相关数据模型地质钻孔数据融合模型,建立地质剖面绘制空间数据

    By researching into relevant data model of geological section and integrated data model of geological map and bores, this paper establishes the spatial database of drawing geological section.


  • 六西格玛正确指数加权移动平均应用一个数据连续相关过程

    The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to correctly apply EWMA charts to a process with serial correlation in the data.


  • 系统主要油田相关部门获取抽油机工况参数变化趋势曲线提供数据

    This system mainly gains the pumping unit merit chart and the operating mode parameter change trend curve for the oil field correlation department provides the data.


  • 对于嵌入式移动数据相关理论和技术、线路巡视流程缺陷处理方法,都模型和流程作了较为重点的叙述

    Then comes the introduction of the relative theories on the embedded mobile database (EMDB) and power line patrolling flow and the defect disposal method in detail.


  • 测井打印第一前边几头。包括信息、测量信息、泥浆性质其它一些相关数据

    The first page or pages on a log print, which include information about the well, the survey, the mud properties and other relevant data.


  • 本文结合具体开发实例采用数据流程方式给出相关触发器设计

    A way of data flow chart is adopted, and the design of the trigger is given by a concrete development example.


  • 方法有效地消除数据的空间相关获得传输

    This method can efficiently remove correlation in image data, obtaining a low transmission bit stream.


  • 简要介绍了三相感应调压器负载运行情况,对回路参数、负载时一次回路参数、输入参数、相关数据相量进行了分析。

    The load operation of a three-phase induction-voltage regulator is presented briefly. The related data, phasor drawing and parameters in secondary circuit, primary load circuit and imput are analyzed.


  • 有关等位基因相关信息PAGE上获得,构建数据来源于琼脂凝胶电泳。

    The dendrogram was constructed from the agarose gel data, while the information of alleles was from PAGE gel.


  • 利用鱼刺分析小型尾矿库存在风险,结合地区随机抽取20个小型尾矿相关数据通过风险评价指数矩阵法分析了此地区小型尾矿坝的风险,确定了该地区小型尾矿库的风险等级。

    Combined the data of 20 mini tailings dams that take out randomly in one area, the hazard of mini tailings dams is analyzed in the way of the analysis of the matrix of risk assessment code.


  • 基于局部整体相关纹理连续性,已知象元进行迭代拟合,同时修复多点缺损数据

    Based upon texture feature and whole interrelation of, pixels in local region, an iterative algorithms of approximation to known pixels was performed to restore the damaged data.


  • 本文提出一种直接提取轮廓线方法来快速估计高速串行链路中的数据相关抖动

    To estimate data dependent jitter(DDJ)in high speed serial links, a new method is proposed for extracting contour of eye diagram directly.


  • 论文最后给出相关业务算法流程以及数据创建数据的安全迁移实现

    This paper finally produced the conelation service algorithm and the flow chart, as well as database foundation and safe migration realization.


  • 论文第五部分主要是从营销数据仓库维度入手OLAP的基础上提炼相关主题过程星形模式

    Five part of thesis to is it spend from marketing data warehouse start with to link mainly, have refined out the relevant theme and star mode picture of the course on the basis of OLAP.


  • 软件设计方案采用模块化的设计思想,给出了主程序流程数据处理相关说明

    On the software design, modularized program has been used, the procedure flow chart is introduced, and explanation on digital processing is given.


  • 通过对有关数据进行分析、整理,充分吸纳相关专家知识后,运用GIS技术建立浦江县土壤单元气候分区土地单元

    Soil unit map, climate zones and land unit map of Pujiang were produced using GIS technology and expert knowledge, based the data collected.


  • 没有农村相关数据标准规范情况下,通过多次试验,完成了1∶2000比例尺农村地籍规范编制的建议。

    Without criterion of relative rural cadastral database and mapping, though many tests, rural cadastral mapping criterion of 1:2000 finally has been worked out.


  • 基于发动机力矩控制思想通过对发动机实际物理模型相关脉谱数据的分析,建立一个非线性的发动机模型。

    In this paper, based on the idea of engine torque control, after analyzing the practical physical model and some of the engine runtime map data, a nonlinear engine model was built.


  • 系统提供了强大的展示功能,对业务库中数据直方、园星形、散点相关曲线进行分析

    The system also provided strong graphical display functions, which made users analyze data using histogram, pie, star chart, relative graph and graph.


  • 第五论文中相关化合物的合成实验操作及其谱数据

    In the fifth chapter, experimental data and procedures for all compounds is presented.


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