A filter (e.g., SQL statement sub-clause) is used to filter out data records not belonging to the current tenant.
If you do not specify anything for this clause, audit records from all databases in the instance are eligible for extraction.
But we're not done yet. If the data provider is an SQL database, the WHERE clause must be applied to each record.
If the data provider is an SQL database, the WHERE clause must be applied to each record.
The database clause allows you to limit record extraction to a particular database.
As with any database update query, you must pass the YQL query a list of fields to be updated, together with their new values, and a WHERE clause that restricts the update to a set of records.
Typically, the original value is used as a parameter in a WHERE clause to identify the record in the database, and the current value is used in SET or VALUES clauses.
Typically, the original value is used as a parameter in a WHERE clause to identify the record in the database, and the current value is used in SET or VALUES clauses.