“盒子里的工厂”是通过将这些功能打包为一组IBM软件产品和自定义代码实现的,而这些产品和代码也称为多源数据集成器(Multi - source Data Integrator,MDI)。
The "factory in a box" is realized through the packaging of these features into a set of IBM software products and customized code, which is also referred to as the Multi-source Data Integrator (MDI).
Both sections Extending a remote call with your own data and Integrating EMF with RRD contain information on the manner in which extension generators and handlers are created and used by RRD.
So if two nodes tried to send packets of data to the hub at the same time, the resulting “collision” would garble both their transmissions.
XML 集成器(XML Integrator,XI)引擎是一个用于在 XML 和结构化数据格式(如关系数据或LDAP 数据)之间进行数据转换的工具。
The XML Integrator (XI) Engine is a tool for converting data between XML and structured data formats such as relational or LDAP data.
ALOHAnet's nodes all transmitted data to a central hub on the same radio frequency, and received data on a second frequency.
In this model, designed interpreter, dispatcher, integrator used for data format change, data decomposition and data combination, and DE - scribes the important technologies of realizing process.
In this model, designed interpreter, dispatcher, integrator used for data format change, data decomposition and data combination, and DE - scribes the important technologies of realizing process.