• 许多玩家则不太喜欢抱怨数量统计方法抹杀了创造力

    Many gamers dislike him, complaining that his bean-counting approach stifles creativity.


  • 研究者统计方法并不是计算链接数量而是统计特征词汇出现率,比如文章出现的“猪身上唇膏印”这个词组。

    They did this not by looking at links, but by tracking the appearance of distinctive phrasessuch as "lipstick on a pig"— in blog posts and articles.


  • 数字提供了便捷方法比较飓风地震等其他自然灾难所造成损失程度——也是一种仅仅通过统计事故发生数量不能达到的方法

    They also provide a convenient way of comparing apples with oranges-the relative damage inflicted by cyclones versus earthquakes, etc.-in a way that simply counting the number of incidents can't.


  • 数字提供了便捷方法比较飓风地震其他自然灾难所造成损失程度——也是一种仅仅通过统计事故发生数量不能达到的方法

    They also provide a convenient way of comparing apples with oranges-the relative damage inflicted by cyclones versus earthquakes, etc. -in a way that simply counting the number of incidents can't.


  • 讨论在线dVD租赁问题,首先通过统计方法获得了在尽可能满足租赁会员要求下,网站准备的DVD数量

    This paper discusses the problem of DVD lease online. Using the statistical methods, the DVD number which should meet the requirement of the membership can be obtained.


  • 本文着重介绍了回归分析方法利用回归分析法对我国铁路通信网电话机数量做了统计分析和预测

    The paper emphasizes the regressive analysis method, by which statistical analysis and forecast of the number of telephones in Chinese railway communication network are made.


  • 方法我院2011-2015所有住院患者ENPN药品种类数量使用科室、销售金额进行回顾性统计分析。

    METHODS: The utilization of EN and PN in our hospital during 2011-2015 was analyzed statistically in respects of drug types, number, department, consumption sum, etc.


  • 方法统计分析19911月-2005年12月29771小切口胆囊切除术的年源性胆管损伤数量类型原因

    Method Statistics and analyse the quantity, type and reason of iatrogenic choledochus injury a year in 29771 cases of mini - cholecystectomy from 1991.1 to 2005.12.


  • 该文利用统计方法一定数量汉语植物中的取象名进行分类考察统计得出较为准确量化结果

    The paper USES certain statistical methods to analyze and classify some typical semantic elements used in Chinese plant names and tries to reach a correct quantitative conclusion.


  • 方法将《晶珠本草记载能引起不良反应藏药分类,统计各类数量现代研究藏药不良反应作对比

    Methods Category ADR of Tibetan Medicine recorded in "Jing Zhu Materia Medica", statistic the number of various types, and compare them with ADR of modern research.


  • 网络分析能够收集统计(邮件数量)侦查过程需要更多带宽一个更好方法

    A packet sniffer could collect statistics on the amount of traffic (number of messages) from a process detecting the need for more bandwidth or a better method.


  • 本文根据和谐思想应用改进多元统计聚类分析方法的基础上,研究提出了“企业和谐态”的数量测度方法

    According to harmony idea, at the basis of applying and improving multiply statistic cluster method, this paper study and put forward the quantitatively measurable method of enterprise harmony state.


  • 方法采用限定剂量(DDD)分析方法我院2008 ~ 2010年麻醉性镇痛使用数量、使用金额用药频度进行统计分析。

    Methods: the defined daily dose (DDD) analysis was adopted for counting and analyzing the usage amount and DDDs value of narcotic analgesic drugs in our hospital from 2008 to 2010.


  • 方法通过临床579金属烤瓷修复,对该方法修复原因、修复部位、修复体类型数量以及失败原因进行统计分析

    Methods: Through the clinical observation of 579 cases of porcelain fused to metal, we record statistically and analyse the purpose, the position in the dentition and the types of restoration.


  • 主要数量朝代体裁题材内容几个方面入手通过图表统计方法科学地得出结果

    This paper mainly proceeds with the quantity, the dynasty, the literature style, the theme content and several aspects; through the row graph and statistics method scientifically obtains the result.


  • 方法尤其适用于公路铁路方案研究阶段初步设计阶段的路基防护排水工程数量统计

    It is suitable to calculate the quantities of subgrade protection and drainage project, especially in the draft design and predesign phase of the highway or railway.


  • 方法采用夹夜调查鼠类种群数量,采用统计方法群落构成进行分析。

    Methods Trap-at-night method was used to estimate the size of rodent community, and its structure was analyzed with statistical method.


  • 会计科研实证通过提出假设收集数据建立模型统计分析,然后得出数量结论一种会计研究方法

    The positivist approach to accounting research is an approach to reach a quantitative conclusion through proposing hypotheses, collecting data, establishing models and analyzing statistics.


  • 主要任务通过测量数据运用统计方法人体特征进行数量分析

    Its main task is to, through its survey data, using statistical methods, quantitative analysis of the characteristics of the human body.


  • 透露出来西周人口统计方法由于人口数量当时是国家重要机密通过间接方法进行人口调查,在古代世界各国这是相当普遍的人口统计方法

    Since the number of population was the key secret of a state in old ages, It was a common practice to carry out a population survey by an indirect means.


  • 尽管没有办法统计 究竟多少采用了文兹克方法,但 目前美国庭院 附近的贵金属数量正在上升。

    While there's no way of knowing how many investors take Venzke's advice, there are growing piles of precious metals in, under, or near American homes.


  • 尽管没有办法统计 究竟多少采用了文兹克方法,但 目前美国庭院 附近的贵金属数量正在上升。

    While there's no way of knowing how many investors take Venzke's advice, there are growing piles of precious metals in, under, or near American homes.


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