• 一步一步努力直到1990年,公司主管东德整个分配销售工作。

    He worked himself up step by step until his company put him in charge of distribution for the whole of eastern Germany in the 1990s.


  • 糟糕的是,除非整个查询都完成否则这些线程无法分配其他查询任务。

    Even worse, I don't think that the query re-allocates those threads for other queries until the whole query finishes.


  • Hypervisor可以访问整个内存空间并且通过全局分区来维护分配分区内存。

    The hypervisor has access to the entire memory space, and maintains the memory allocated to partitions through a global partition page table.


  • Sharding非常合适的解决方案,因为多数情况下,数据收集其它操作频繁的,没必要每次都分配整个数据库

    Sharding collection is preferable because in many cases some data collections tend to be much larger than others, so it would be unprofitable to distribute the entire database.


  • 提供Linux支持V4R5型号需要整个处理器分配给 Linux 分区,而不是部分处理器并且 Linux 需要重新引导。

    Even earlier V4R5 models that provided Linux support required whole processor assignments to Linux partitions instead of partial processors, and Linux needed to be rebooted.


  • 每个管理员对于整个计算单元具有相同管理权限(分配管理角色内:管理员、配置人员、操作员监视人员)。

    Every administrator has equal administrative authority (within their assigned authority of administrator, configurator, operator, or monitor) to the entire cell.


  • 另一个惊人发现是:前额叶皮质虽然大脑前端,但实际上可能信息中枢核心,负责将信息分配整个大脑。

    Another surprising find: the prefrontal cortex, though at the front of the brain, might actually serve as its central information hub that distributes information throughout the brain.


  • 类似地使用LPAR可以对资源使用进行大的控制例如,通过将整个处理器或者处理器的一部分精确地分配lpar实现

    Similarly, with LPARs, you can achieve a greater degree of control over the usage of resources-by allocating entire processors or precise fractions of processors to an LPAR, for example.


  • 研究团队:“通过系统形态微小变化可能整个系统一中特定财富分配方式转变一种更公平分配方式的。”

    The teams says: "it is possible to bring the system from a particular wealth distribution to another one with a lower inequality by performing only a small change in the system configuration".


  • 如果我们得到可靠供电安全电力分配系统必须整个欧洲的。

    The electricity distribution system must be Europe-wide if we are to get the maximum security of supply.


  • 但是因为XFS延迟了分配决定,所以,能够一下子数据从而提高了写性能减少了整个文件系统碎片

    But, because XFS delayed its allocation decision, it was able to write the data in one fell swoop, improving write performance as well as reducing overall filesystem fragmentation.


  • CLR分析器可以类型或者随着时间流逝显示分配视图标识每个方法分配字节数量并且显示整个测试周期中执行方法序列

    CLR Profiler can also show allocation views by class type or over time, identify the number of bytes allocated by each method, and display the sequence of methods executed over the life of the test.


  • 可以所有命令组合在一起,编写一个可以自动执行整个磁盘分配过程脚本

    You can combine all commands and write a script that can automate the entire disk-assigning process.


  • 整个企业的范围内,应该组织中的每个分配唯一的标识符,并且离开组织之后,不再继续使用这个标识符。

    Each person in an organization should be assigned a unique identifier across the enterprise that is only assigned to that person, and when that person leaves the organization, it is retired.


  • 出现会话这个概念主要原因可能是为了防止更新失败影响整个配置的一致性完整性

    The main rationale for having the session concept is likely to prevent the failure of a partial configuration update from affecting the consistency and integrity of the whole configuration.


  • 如果无法排序数据整个放入排序中(排序堆每次执行排序分配内存),就会溢出到数据库所有临时中。

    If the sorted data cannot fit entirely into the sort heap, which is a block of memory that is allocated each time a sort is performed, it overflows into a temporary table owned by the database.


  • 认为调试如此重要以至于至少分配整个项目30%时间

    I think debugging is so important that it should be allocated at least 30% of the project timeline.


  • 工作流通过将整个工作分解成若干任务自动化这些任务分配进展,以在不同团队间有效地分配工作的系统(图16)。

    Workflow refers to systems that allow efficient distribution of work between teams of people by breaking the work into tasks and automating the distribution and progression of those tasks (Figure 16).


  • 如果警察可以石板路赌场巡逻的话,那就可以分配更多城市警察到城市破旧地区他还不清楚整个州的高度”实践起来到底意味着什么

    If state police are patrolling the Boardwalk and casinos, he could assign city police to more blighted areas; but he is not sure what state oversight will mean in practice.


  • 一般我们逻辑分区分配一个37网络整个物理设备分配一个36级的网络号。

    They typically have a level 37 network number assigned to each logical part, and a level 36 network number assigned to the whole device.


  • 新的连接分配特定分配连接整个生命周期中都这个分配器保持在一起。

    New connections are assigned to a particular dispatcher and stay with this dispatcher throughout the life of the connection.


  • 我们应用程序利用率定义分配给特定时间应用程序的时间百分比段时间内应用程序连续地执行完整个运行过程

    We define application utilization as the percentage of time allotted to an application in a given window of time continuously sliding over the application's complete run.


  • LVM配置中,一个多个分区或者甚至是整个磁盘分配中的物理,卷组转而分成逻辑卷。

    In an LVM configuration, one or more partitions, or occasionally entire disks, are assigned as physical volumes in a volume group, which in turn is broken down into logical volumes.


  • 例如管理层级底部项目经理分配整个规划中的不同项目

    For example, at the bottom of the management hierarchy, project managers are assigned to the various projects within the overall program.


  • 比如药品容器分配一个序列号,该序列号伴随产品整个生命周期。

    It's like giving each drug container its own serial number that will be associated with that container for the life of the product.


  • readAttributes()方法返回一个包含文件存储整个空间、未分配空间、以及已使用空间细节FileStoreSpaceAttributes实例

    Its readAttributes() method returns a FileStoreSpaceAttributes instance containing details of the total space, the unallocated space, and the usable space on the file store.


  • readAttributes()方法返回一个包含文件存储整个空间、未分配空间、以及已使用空间细节FileStoreSpaceAttributes实例

    Its readAttributes() method returns a FileStoreSpaceAttributes instance containing details of the total space, the unallocated space, and the usable space on the file store.


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