Overall survival rates are disappointing for women with early poor prognosis breast cancer.
"Females had significantly better overall survival than males, except in patients aged 1 to 9 years," the investigators found.
整合的结果认为整体存活率在宽范围切除有比较好一点[危险值 1.04;
The summary estimate for overall survival favoured wide excision by a small degree [Hazard Ratio 1.04;
These reports showed that even after short term follow up one year of Herceptin resulted in improved disease free, metastases free and overall survival.
Altered fractionation radiotherapy is associated with an improvement in overall survival and locoregional control in patients with oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers.
The analysis of this review suggests that there is an overall survival benefit with radical surgery compared to radical radiotherapy in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer.
因此,这一小部分 (但潜在重要) 的差异,存在于宽范围和窄范围切除间的整体存活率的差异,不能确信地排除。
Therefore, a small (but potentially important) difference in overall survival between wide and narrow excision margins cannot be confidently ruled out.
因此,这一小部分 (但潜在重要) 的差异,存在于宽范围和窄范围切除间的整体存活率的差异,不能确信地排除。
Therefore, a small (but potentially important) difference in overall survival between wide and narrow excision margins cannot be confidently ruled out.