• 本文比较了英汉文化意义差异探讨了文化内涵翻译策略

    This article compares the differences between English and Chinese words cultural meaning, and discusses the cultural connotation of the word translation strategy.


  • 例如美国人嘴里所说朋友所包含文化内涵可能旅行者母语文化中的“朋友”涵义大相径庭。

    For example, when an American USES the word "friend", the cultural implications of the word may be quite different from those it has in the visitor's language and culture.


  • 动物有着丰富文化内涵不同翻译方法文化翻译理论研究的重要对象之一。

    Animal words, despite the richness in cultural connotation and their various ways in translation, have long been the focus of the research on the theory of culture translation.


  • 英语中的颜色除了表示大自然中的绚丽色彩外,同时也体现着不同的民族文化内涵以不同的联想想象

    Color words in English express different cultural connotations in addition to the colors in nature, and give people different association and imagination.


  • 由于各自文化背景传统一些含有颜色远远超过了原来含义形成不同内涵

    Due to the respective cultural background and tradition, some phrases containing color words have far surpassed their original meanings, forming different connotations.


  • 由于语言文化差异,使广告翻译信息内涵难以实现等值传递

    Because of verbal and cultural differences, the information connotations of advertising words are difficult to realize equivalent transmission through translation.


  • 成语历史文化沉淀和结晶色彩成语中呈现出丰富文化内涵

    Chinese idioms is the crystallization of history and culture, in which color words show rich cultural connotation.


  • 所以中国文化中的颜色内涵象征意义十分丰富而且颜色象征意义多元

    So the color content within Chinese culture and the symbol meanings are very abundant, and the symbol meaning of the color phrase is diverse.


  • 如果了解这些承载的文化内涵,在交际引起歧义,发生误解,从而达不到真正交际目的

    If we can't learn the color words 'cultural meaning, we will misunderstand the speakers, and can't reach the goal of communication.


  • 任何商标具有自身的文化内涵

    Every trademark word is culturally loaded.


  • 翻译商标时,译者在等效翻译原则指导,尽可能将商品丰富文化内涵功效特色等效地传达出来

    In translating brand names, the interpreter ought to express rich cultural meanings and efficacy equivalently under guidance of principle of equivalent translation.


  • 中国传统文化一个重要组成部分,玉蕴含的丰富的文化内涵反映到汉语的来,形成大量的涉玉

    Jade is the most important component part of the Chinese traditional culture which contain wealthy meaning of culture, reflecting in the lexicon of Chinese to form the abundant jade word stock.


  • 意义经常独特的文化内涵

    The meaning of a word is often reflected by its unique culture.


  • 因此学习英语必要了解掌握颜色英汉语言中的文化内涵不同意象,以便更好地理解其中文化现象

    Therefore, it is necessary to know and master different connotations of words on colors both in Chinese and English so as to make English learners better understand the cross-culture phenomenon.


  • 动物语汇对应之间文化内涵基本属性差异性

    Difference is the basic property of the cultural connotations of the corresponding words in Chinese and English animal lexicon.


  • 各个语言动物不但具有极大的丰富性而且多种因素影响具有表层多义性深层文化内涵

    Animals in all languages not only have great richness, but with the influence of various factors they also have more surface and deep cultural connotations.


  • 例如美国人嘴里所说朋友所包含文化内涵可能旅行者母语文化中的“朋友”涵义大相径庭。

    For example, when an American USES the word "friend," the cultural implications of the word may be quite different from those it has in the visitor's language and culture.


  • 文化交际中,相同传递着不同文化内涵分析种种语义的文化差异提高英语水平文化差异的敏感性有重要意义。

    In intercultural communication, same words convey different meanings, therefore, various analyses of the words help to improve English and significantly highlight the cultural differences.


  • 绚丽多彩的颜色有着深刻的文化内涵思想底蕴

    Gorgeous colorful words contain some profound connotations and ideological inside information.


  • 许多英语植物不仅具有丰富文化内涵意义,而且人类美化语言表达过程扮演着重要角色

    The English commentaries in museums fall to the category of public signs, thus playing an important role both in conveying information and disseminating culture.


  • 由于文化内涵文化预设不同,不同文化商标出现同一命题产生不同的联想意义

    Owing to the differences between cultural connotation and cultural presupposition, the same denotation in different cultures may lead to different associative meanings.


  • 在世界各国文化中,颜色作为常用的文化限定反映一个民族社会文化内涵特征

    As a kind of cultural determiner, colour words can reflect the cultural characteristics of a race or society.


  • 分类方式英汉汇的文化内涵初步对比文化内涵汇分为五种:对等、重叠、半缺项、缺项、矛盾

    According to the method of classification, the article has given a preliminary comparison to the cultural connotation between English and Chinese vocabulary.


  • 因此研究英汉古典文学作品色彩内涵翻译文化交流英语教学和翻译具有启发意义。

    At the same time, it is expected that this thesis may throw light on the use of color words in cross-cultural communication, English language teaching and learning, and translation.


  • 英语中的颜色丰富多彩,且社会文化思想有着密切联系,具有浓厚的文化内涵

    There are abundant words of color in English and these words are closely related to society. culture and ideology, thus have cultural connotative meanings.


  • 本文分析英汉基本颜色异同与文化内涵同时英汉互译中的方法进行初步探讨

    This paper analyzes the similarities and differences of color words in Chinese and English culture, while on its preliminary discussion of the method in translation.


  • 第二阐述了英汉颜色文化内涵对比所采用文化接触这一视角理论框架

    Chapter Two introduces the theoretical framework for the perspective of cultural contact. It employs three concepts: language contact, cultural contact and cultural borrowing.


  • 日本同事:“尽管我们并不清楚这些真实含义但它们听起来富有异国情调,日本本土的名字有更深文化内涵。”

    One Japanese colleague says, "They sound more 9 exotic and culturally deeper than Japanese names, even if we don't understand the actual meaning of the word."


  • 颜色作为一类特殊存在于语言之中,因其富含文化内涵意义和联想意义而又被称为文化负载

    Classified into a special lexical group known as culture-loaded words, color words are rich in cultural connotative meanings.


  • 颜色作为一类特殊存在于语言之中,因其富含文化内涵意义和联想意义而又被称为文化负载

    Classified into a special lexical group known as culture-loaded words, color words are rich in cultural connotative meanings.


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