The countries to which investors may most desire exposure (China and India, for example) are underweighted in emerging-market-bond indices relative to the likes of Venezuela and Lebanon.
JPMorgan’s emerging-markets bond index fell by more than 5% in the week to September 16th, giving up in a few days all the gains it had made this year.
据摩根大通新兴市场债券指数(JPMorgan 's Embi Index)显示,新兴市场债券与美国国债的息差昨日已收窄至2.57个百分点,而一个月前为3.5个百分点。
Emerging market yields narrowed to 2.57 percentage points over US Treasuries yesterday compared with 3.5 percentage points a month ago, according to JPMorgan's Embi + index.
据摩根大通新兴市场债券指数(JPMorgan 's Embi Index)显示,新兴市场债券与美国国债的息差昨日已收窄至2.57个百分点,而一个月前为3.5个百分点。
Emerging market yields narrowed to 2.57 percentage points over US Treasuries yesterday compared with 3.5 percentage points a month ago, according to JPMorgan's Embi + index.