On Thursday, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index closed at 921, up 0.5% for the day, after losing 3.2% on Wednesday.
March’s 14.2% gain in the MSCI emerging-markets index was the best since December 1993.
The MSCI emerging market index is down by about 20% from its peak on May 8, 2006, but is flat for the year.
At the end of August, the MSCI emerging-markets index was down by 10.3% in dollar terms since the start of the year. The developed-world index was down by 5.4% over the same period.
The fund is up 28.7% over the last 12-months compared to the index’s gain of 24.6% as of market close May 19.
从年初至今,该基金微幅上涨了0.45%,其表现优于摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCIEmerging Markets index)。
The fund has outperformed the MSCI Emerging Markets index year-to-date, up marginally by 0.45%.
They were handsomely rewarded, with the MSCI Emerging Markets index (MSCI EM) returning 79% in 2009 and 19% in 2010, compared with 31% and 12% for shares globally.
实际上,摩根·士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCI emerging - markets index)已创下新高(见图),新兴市场从去年八月的阵痛中迅速得到了恢复。
Indeed, emerging markets have recovered so quickly from August's travails that the MSCI emerging-markets index has notched up a new high (see chart).
但就摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCI Emerging Market index)而言,其历史市盈率目前为11.15倍,而过去4年的平均市盈率则为14.53倍。
The MSCI emerging markets index, however, is currently on a trailing earnings multiple of 11.15 times against an average of 14.53 times over the past four years.
市场普遍关注的、跟踪新兴市场股市的摩根·士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCI Emerging Market Index)今年上涨了60%,而道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数涨幅仅为10%。
The widely followed MSCI emerging market index, which tracks emerging-markets shares, is up 60% this year, compared with a gain of 10% for the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
那么,为什么摩根·士丹利资本国际指数今年已下挫逾10%,新兴市场的损失达到两位数,若以美元计价的话,欧洲交易所的市值更是流失了超过20% ?
So why is the MSCI World index of global equities down by more than 10% this year, with emerging markets showing double-digit losses and European bourses shedding more than 20% in dollar terms?
He departs from market-cap benchmarking even more materially in recommending 25 per cent equity exposure to emerging markets, twice the All-World Index's weighting.
LAST year record amounts flowed into emerging-market equities from rich-world investors, pushing the index prepared by MSCI up by 19%.
The FTSE emerging markets equity index reached above its close on September 12, the eve of the Lehman debacle.
At my request, Lipper looked at the returns of actively and passively managed emerging market funds and found that the indexes are handily beating the managers.
Consumer price inflation rose to 4.4 percent in October and a further increase is expected. This is higher than we are used to in China, although it is modest in an emerging market perspective.
JPMorgan’s emerging-markets bond index fell by more than 5% in the week to September 16th, giving up in a few days all the gains it had made this year.
The average annual return for three years running in indexed emerging market funds is 1.87 percent, says Jeff Tjornehoj, head of Lipper Americas Research.
The countries to which investors may most desire exposure (China and India, for example) are underweighted in emerging-market-bond indices relative to the likes of Venezuela and Lebanon.
For part of last year, the MSCI emerging-markets index was even trading at a higher multiple of earnings than the index of rich-world shares.
据摩根大通新兴市场债券指数(JPMorgan 's Embi Index)显示,新兴市场债券与美国国债的息差昨日已收窄至2.57个百分点,而一个月前为3.5个百分点。
Emerging market yields narrowed to 2.57 percentage points over US Treasuries yesterday compared with 3.5 percentage points a month ago, according to JPMorgan's Embi + index.
俄罗斯股票不贵,康威说,俄罗斯的莫斯科银行间外汇交易所指数(Micex Index)今年上升了78%,盈利率8.65,比摩根士丹利资本国际公司(MSCI)新兴市场标准的一半还少。
Russian stocks are inexpensive, said Conway. Russia’s Micex index, up 78 percent this year, trades at 8.65 earnings, less than half of the MSCI emerging-markets gauge.
The big Mac index suggests that most emerging-market currencies are significantly undervalued, for instance (Brazil and Argentina are the big exceptions).
The big Mac index suggests that most emerging-market currencies are significantly undervalued, for instance (Brazil and Argentina are the big exceptions).