• 调制解调器拨号时如铺沥青般的刺耳声音,曾经成为数字时代代表标志,但如今不过只是凭添使用者怀旧的忧伤。

    The high-pitched shrieking of dial-up modems, once the herald of a new digital age, now increasingly evokes a bygone era. It may even make some users feel nostalgic.


  • 最大希望即使这样数字时代这些书店仍然能够存在,即使以一种方式会在某种程度上得以存活,把那些特别印刷保留下来。

    My fondest hope is that, should the bookstores still standing now fall, a new type of store, somehow able to survive in the digital era while retaining what's special about print, would emerge.


  • 世界复杂的,我们数字时代里留在身后遗迹方式我们暴露于人前。

    The world is complicated -- and our dynamic digital fossils trail along behind us, exposing us in new ways.


  • 课堂教学需要衡量方式,应该为数字时代量身打造-不是像工业时代飘渺的乌托邦时代一样每个人只要付出努力都会得到一个“优”。

    That classroom needs new ways of measuring progress, tailored to digital timesrather than to the industrial age or to some artsy utopia where everyone gets an Awesome for effort.


  • 标志着数字时代出现了一种代沟

    It signals yet another generation gap in the digital era.


  • 明年开始,一些国家参与国际上关于数字时代读写能力评估但是美国暂时参加。

    Starting next year, some countries will participate in new international assessments of digital literacy; but the United States, for now, will not.


  • 数字时代高校人文学科教学改革提出要求

    The digitized era has set new demand for reform of teaching about humanities.


  • 数字图书馆理论出发,就时代背景下电子阅览室职能进行了探讨此基础阐述了如何进一步拓展电子阅览室职能。

    Starting from the theory of digital library, this paper probes into the functions of E-reading room in the new age, and expounds how to develop further the functions of E-reading room based on it.


  • 今天数字网络化时代里,更好保存管理利用这笔资产电视台今后开展多种业务、增加效益增长点的根本。

    It's an extremely valuable asset, it's the fundament to expand multi-business, to increase new benefit to properly store, management and use the asset in the digitalized, networking times.


  • 信息时代网络数字环境传统意义上版权带来重大挑战。

    The freshly new digital and Internet environment of our information era have posed great threat to the so-called copyright.


  • 当今数字时代志愿者他人服务永恒工作出现形式。

    Thee timeless act of volunteering in the service of others has taken on new dimensions in today's digital age.


  • 今天这样数字信息时代网络一方面成了记者采访工具,另一方面也成为记者采访工作的异度生存空间

    In the digital information era the Internet has become a new reporting tool and a special working space for news reporters.


  • 指出电视数字时代到来地面传输标准升级我国电视发射机制造企业提出了挑战,同时也给企业提供了的机遇

    With the coming of digital times, there exists emerging need to upgrade the ground transmission standards which brings both challenges and opportunities to the TV transmitter manufacturers.


  • 数字媒体平台作为“所有人所有人”传播一个中介,它的出现带来网络时代的阅读体验

    The digital media platform not only integrates the media resources, but also develops the advantages by combining the repelling medium.


  • 即使数字媒体时代能够流畅阅读写作仍然必需的基本能力;而且如果抓住人们注意力,你必须一手好文。

    Even in the new digital media, it's essential to be able to read and write fluently and, if you want to capture people's attention, to write well.


  • 数字时代高校图书馆业务活动内容方式特点发生了重大变化,其职业道德内涵标准相应特点。

    The content, method and characteristics of professional activities in academic libraries have changed a lot in digital times, and correspondingly its connotation and standard have new characteristics.


  • 这个”的艺术时代中,数字绘画首当其冲,在表现形式艺术观念方面均有别于传统绘画,绘画艺术注入活力

    In this new artistic time, the digital drawing is different with the traditional drawing in the manifestation and the artistic idea aspect, has infused the new vigor for the drawing art.


  • 这个”的艺术时代中,数字绘画首当其冲,在表现形式艺术观念方面均有别于传统绘画,绘画艺术注入活力

    In this new artistic time, the digital drawing is different with the traditional drawing in the manifestation and the artistic idea aspect, has infused the new vigor for the drawing art.


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