The newly appointed Minister of Antiquities also clarified what happened to the two mummies whose heads were photographed lying on the floor among scattered bones.
Does he think Historical, getting a report of mummies, finding only a recently filled hole, is going to think, Oh, Giff, very funny, you crack us up?
For instance, arsenic poisoning of the Chinchorro people of Chile from contaminated water, as revealed via the hair of 6, 800-year-old mummified infants, probably led to high child mortality rates.
But around 20 years ago, the remains of the mummy were rediscovered and subjected to new tests.
Scientists discover that a tomb built in the 6th Dynasty was tapped into nearly 2, 000 years later to house new mummies.
Though the answers to these questions may never be answered with certainty, these mummies provide new information about the bronze Age, when men used tools and weapons made of bronze.
The mummified corpse of an ancient Lizard King is brought from his sacred tomb and given life through dark rites of rebirth.
The mummified corpse of an ancient Lizard King is brought from his sacred tomb and given life through dark rites of rebirth.