The latest contribution to this feverish debate is a report released this week, called the "Gowers Review of Intellectual Property".
This is the new contribution of national arts to the world culture.
Our factory is it become with travelling trader intimate partner is it prosper market act as new contribution to develop together to wish.
We must enhance our capacity to respond to climate change and make new contributions to the protection of the global climate.
New Challenges, New Chances, New Contributions--A Look Forward to the Future of Fluid Power Technology.
S. side' s holding of the Leaders' Summit on Peacekeeping, and welcomes the new contributions to be announced by the U. S. to support peace operations.
The Thought and Practice of the Opening of the Sample Curriculum of Chinese Characters Rhetoric Study;
The new contribution of Karl Marx to dialectics must be comprehended from his critically remoulding Hegel's idealist dialectics.
Systemic philosophy is a synthetic philosophy in synthetic times, its new contribution to philosophy is the solution to the problems of traditional philosophy.
Other scholars say Codes of finance is a significant addition to a growing area of research, the sociological study of finance and financiers.
Additional thanks to Dan for suggesting topics, recruiting authors, and keeping our readers up to date on the very latest offerings from the IBM support community.
EGL represents the latest IBM offering in the business application development space that began with the introduction in 1981 of the Cross System Product mainframe application development tool.
"Happy, you might say, is the new sad," writes Eric Weiner in "the Geography of Bliss", the latest contribution to the expanding field of positive psychology.
"Happy, you might say, is the new sad," writes Eric Weiner in "the Geography of Bliss", the latest contribution to the expanding field of positive psychology.