• 人们穿梭于不同社会化媒体网站比如在博客,论坛新闻引擎SNS分表东西时,都会忽略时间。 而导致这结果的一个原因就是,这种参与事实上真的容易上瘾。

    One reason people lose track of time when posting on various social media sites, such as blogs, forums, news engines, and social networks, is because such participation actually is highly addictive.


  • 可以想象成身边一个随时把你关注新闻事件报告给你的搜索引擎

    Think of it as a standing search engine that will notify you of news and events you want to know about.


  • 这部世界最大搜索引擎现在提供了几十综合新闻文字处理在线服务,它们被综合一个全球网络通过数十大型数据中心的运行。

    The world's biggest search engine now offers dozens of services, from news aggregation to word processing, all of which are tied together and run on a global network of dozens of huge data-centres.


  • 调查发现多数美国人会使用互联网搜索引擎跟踪特定话题新闻

    The survey also found that more Americans are using Internet search engines to track down news on topics of interest.


  • 例如一位营销部门员工可能需要访问竞争对手新闻供给搜索引擎

    For example, a marketing employee might need access to competitive news feeds and search engines.


  • 对于新闻集团微软洽谈转而支持后者搜索引擎必应许多同行技术专家抱着这样的想法。

    That is how News Corp's negotiations on a deal to favour Microsoft's search engine Bing instead is viewed by many rivals and technology experts.


  • 研究中心2008年一份调查显示,使用搜索引擎查看在线新闻人数占了83%。

    A Pew research study in 2008 found that 83 percent of people looking for news online use a search engine to find it.


  • 引擎将对社会化媒体网站图片博客新闻视频产品继续深度搜索,然后返回结果。

    The engine delves into social media sites, pictures, blogs, news, video, and product searches.


  • 这家搜索巨头今年初开始网站视频新闻文章以及图片等引入结果范畴,且无缝呈现的新界面中自称“通用搜索”,听起来有终极引擎的意味。

    The search giant reinforced its hegemony earlier this year when it started presenting results for Web sites, video, news articles, and images, all in one seamless column.


  • 33%的用户表示经常使用搜索引擎发现新闻,比2008年的19%有所提高。

    Thirty-three percent said they regularly use search engines to find news, up from 19 percent in 2008.


  • FacebookTwitter签署引人注目交易互联网搜索引擎巨头们已经准备好向全球传递突发新闻信息

    After striking deals with Facebook and Twitter, the web's search engine giants are primed to deliver breaking news and information across the planet.


  • 关于Velocity模板引擎最新版本相关文档邮件列表社区新闻请访问Velocity官方站点

    For the latest version of the Velocity templating engine, associated documentation, mailing lists, and community news, visit the official Velocity site.


  • EADS的子公司,专营民用航空的空中客车公司,11月成为新闻焦点,原因是澳航超巨型空客380使用的劳斯莱斯引擎在飞行中途爆炸了。

    Airbus, EADS’s civil-aviation arm, hit the news in November after a Rolls-Royce engine on a Qantas A380 superjumbo exploded in mid-flight.


  • 了解更多有关如何处理复制新闻稿秘诀,可以伦敦搜索引擎策略会议上采访Google亚当·斯尼克的视频

    For more tips on how to deal with duplicate content in a press release situation, watch this video interview with Adam Lasnik of Google that I took at SES London.


  • 上个月社交网络允许Google搜索引擎竞争对手个性化搜索结果使用Facebook数据的时候,Facebook雇佣了一个公关新闻上污蔑Google。

    Last month, Facebook hired a pr firm to smear Google in the press, while the social network has allowed Google's search rival Bing to use its data in personalized search results.


  • 访问大型新闻机构网页用户有约20- 30%来自google搜索引擎其旗下新闻网站googleNews

    Typically around 20-30% of visitors to the websites of big news organisations come from Google's search engine or its news site, Google news.


  • 亲爱的福克斯新闻搜索引擎优化不是搜索引擎欺诈(除非自欺欺人)?

    Dear Fox News: SEO Is Not Search Engine Scamming (Unless You're Scamming Yourself)?


  • 媒体也许需要探求我们需要科技界得到什么”,不管是新闻聚合器发布者还是搜索引擎

    On the media side, it might have to start by finding out what we expect from the tech world, whether they are aggregators, distributors, or search engines.


  • 配置一个新闻档案文件博客进行索引生成rss提要搜索引擎,将可以广大提要阅读器提供相关信息

    Configuring a search engine that indexes new groups or archives or blogs to generate results as RSS feeds can provide relevant information to a large community of feed readers.


  • 通过新闻网页添加这些结构化约定好的代码搜索引擎可以更好的识别新闻内容,爱看新闻的人就可以通过时间日期或是作者等关键字来搜索过滤新闻了。

    By adding these structured and agreed-upon codes to the underside of online news pages, search engines can make more sense of the stories and news junkies can search for news by time, date or author.


  • 新闻机构正在迅速转向新的新闻报道手段包括利用改进搜索引擎

    News organizations are increasingly turning to new ways of presenting their content, including through enhanced forms of search.


  • 来自其它新闻站点流量很大(21.6%),来自搜索引擎的流量旗鼓相当

    There is also a lot of traffic that is directly Shared between news sites. Outbound traffic from other news sites accounts for just as many visits as traffic from search engines (21.6%).


  • 美国有线电视新闻空中旅行专家理查得·卡斯特引擎飞机坚定跨大西洋航线,并有着近乎完美的安全飞行记录只是1994年的飞行训练出现过致命事故

    CNN air travel expert Richard Quest said the twin-engine plane, a stalwart of transatlantic routes, had an impeccable safety record, with only one fatal incident involving a training flight in 1994.


  • 今年我们看到更多新闻网站,更多得社交网络中受益,而不仅仅是搜索引擎,”Nieman新闻实验室的JoshuaBenton表示

    "This year you'll see more and more news sites where referrals from social networks exceed those from search engines," says Joshua Benton of the Nieman Journalism Lab.


  • 本文结合搜索数据库网络等多种技术实现用于高速铁路旅客信息系统新闻搜索引擎引擎为高速列车提供实时新闻

    Adopting search technique, database technique and network technique, the thesis realizes the news search engine that applies to the system and provides real time news for fast train.


  • 无论GOOGLE或者是BAIDU以及其他任何的搜索引擎,都可以问题关键搜索到相关的新闻报道

    From GOOGLE to BAIDU, or any other search engines, you can easily access numerous news reports with key words regarding this problem.


  • 看来新闻媒体遇到的问题怪罪到了搜索引擎头上。

    He seemingly was blaming the web, and search engines, for the news media's ills.


  • SEO资讯搜集最新搜索引擎行业新闻

    SEO information: Collected as the fastest search engine industry news.


  • SEO资讯搜集最新搜索引擎行业新闻

    SEO information: Collected as the fastest search engine industry news.


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